You're Kidnapped

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This was requested by YuGiOhfan1999.
I hope you like it.❤

Roman Reigns

You were heading to your car in the hotel parking lot because you forgot your phone on the dashboard. You opened the car and grabbed your phone.

But then you felt a cloth cover your mouth and a huge arm wrap around you.

You blacked out!

18 Minutes Later....

Roman was sitting on the couch in the hotel room as Dean was laying on the other couch watching TV. Roman looked at his watch and realised that you've been gone for almost 20 minutes.



Dean looked at Roman.

Roman-''What's taking Y/N so long?''

Dean-''Didn't she go get her phone?''

Roman-''Yeah. But she's been gone for almost 20 minutes.''

Dean-''Maybe she bumped into Naomi or one of the other divas in the hallway and they're just chatting.''

Dean shrugged.

Roman-''Yeah, you're right.''

Roman leaned back on the couch and started tapping his leg nervously.

Dean-''You're gonna call her, aren't you?''

Roman-''Damn right I am.''

Roman picked up his phone as Dean chuckled.

Roman-''Wherever she is, she should have her phone by now.''

Your phone rang for a few moments and then someone else answered it.

AJ Lee-''Hello?''


Dean looked at Roman.

Roman-''Why do you have Y/N's phone?''

AJ-''I was walking from my car and heard a phone ringing. I found it on the ground next to a car. The car door is open as well.''

Roman stood up.

Roman-''Is Y/N there?''

AJ-''I don't see her anywhere.''

Roman-''Stay there. I'll be right down.''


Roman hung up.

Roman-''Come on, bro. Y/N's missing!''

Roman & Dean rushed out of the hotel room. They ran up to AJ Lee who was standing next to the car.

Roman-''Did you find the phone laying here?''

AJ-''Yes, and the car door was open when I got here.''

Roman picked up the car keys that you had dropped.

Dean-''Which means whatever happened, it happened a while ago.''

Roman-''Right. Oh, man....where could she be?''

Dean-''Hold on. We can check the hotel security cameras.''

Roman-''Let's go.''

Roman, Dean & AJ rushed back into the hotel and asked to check the cameras because you were missing and the hotel manager allowed it.

Roman & Dean saw you get grabbed from behind by a man and put into a van after you blacked out. The man got in the back and shut the doors. When the van drove off, they saw the driver.

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