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The quiet sound of whispers through the trees and the nature's calling has woken up the Village.

Far down the east lives a boy, in his early teens, his father; Lucas, taught his son how to hunt with bow and arrows. Lucas works as a hunter and salesman. He provides his family with a good amount of money to keep them living and entertained.

They live in one of the most expensive and high quality fancy house. The son sometimes goes to help his father with his job, which also adds to his weekly earning. He hunts animals that are considered food. He loves it when he goes stealthily around the bushes and attacks the prey.

Yet he does love animals, he is filled with a knowledge of the all animals, he can tell it's personality, weaknesses and strengths. It is a hobby of his; admiring ever magical creature and discovering about it, he has a normal filled with sketches of them and side notes of what they are.

He got out of his bed and did whatever the typical being does, he has long brown hair, above the shoulders, he never changed his style, and never will. He dressed into his home clothing; grey pants and blue hoodie. The texture of the fabric was made specially for the royal family, since he was the son of a great salesman, the royal provides them too with clothing and gifts.

He sighed and looked at the boy who was staring back at him in the  mirror with it's dark blue eyes. He made his bed and went to the scullery. His mother greeted him and he replied back.

His mother, the one who loves go make clothes for her children and the villagers. She is a well-known designer, She taught her other two children how to sew and make fabrics out of plants and animals. The village had one rule: everyone has to be productive and helpful, if they are torpid, then they will face the consequences of staying in the dungeon and be tortured for weeks until they have learned their lesson

" Your father went to north " his mother spoke softly, the son pouted and nodded his head. Lucas went to get the promised ring that was discussed before a month ago. He doesn't understand why everyone is determined to make him marry the princess. His family are popular, rich and respected, what do they need more than that ?.

Ada ( the princess) is nice person, but, she is clingy. She have asked to try the mating process and Kai (The son of Lucas)  has refused to do it, what kind of a person asks that before marriage ?.

After Kai has ate, he went to his room and changed into his hunting uniform: Green hoodie with a slight tint blue shade to it. He also wears black gloves. With Blue pants and dark brown boots with a green on the from of the feet. He took his simple bow and arrows and put them on him. He went outside and went to the stable.

The stable was medium sized enough to fit four horses, Which is a lot for a family. He took a golden apple out of the large bag that was in the corner and went to his horse; Echo, it's black fur spotted with white markings, the foent had a symbol that represents Loyality, it's glowing green stood out. Each horse everyone have has a symbol on it, represents it's former owner.

He smiled and gave the female the Apple. She snickered, he laughed and and brought the saddle, ready to mount it. The thing is, the horse is stubborn, she is playful and sometimes annoying, however, Kai loves her, he takes good care of Echo. He mounted the horse and asked her politely to walk towards the lake.

She nodded her head and walked to the outside world, she got excited and started to run, he gripped on the reins as she was running like a bullet. The clear sparkling water was becoming more and more clearer. They stopped and strolled slowly to the lake. He got off and thanked her by giving her an apple.

He sat down by the lake and closed his eyes, the horse was walking around the woods, be trusted her. If any harm comes to her he can feel it, the owner and the horse always have a bond, they know how to protect each and when to save the other.

After a while he heard light footsteps hitting the ground, he can tell who it was. "Good morning, How are you Kai ?" He didn't want her to come, but he sadly knew she has to. " I'm feeling   alright, what about you ?" He replied with a fake smile. " I'm so glad to see you, it's been a while " 7 hours, and those hours were when I slept.

" My parents said that your father went to get the rings, aren't you excited ?" She jumped up and down like a little kid, wait, she is a little kid. Kai was older than her by a year, he is sixteen years old while she is fifteen.

The princess has to be married at this age by her choice. If not, she will be forced and her fiance will be chosen by her parents. She still doesn't have freedom to choose, there are rules and Kai was the only option she had, and with extra note: he had a charming and handsome look. She does love him, though she doesn't show it much.

" We are going to married soon, after a month, 20 days and 5 hours" he was surprised that she was counting down her big day. All the kingdoms are invited to this party. " How astonishing " he mumbled sarcastically.

They talked for a while and then said their goodbyes. He held her hands and kissed her cheek, she smiled and kissed back then left on her brown horse. He rolled his eyes and sat back down. He then felt pain in his left leg, " ECHO !" he yelled and started to run to where she was, he kept on running until he saw her and with a girl. He hid behind a bush and took his weapons out, ready to attack the girl.

Echo whined and neighed from the pain. He has gotten angrier by the minute. " there you go, I'll bring the medicin, stay " Kai put down his weapons and analysed the scene. She wasn't hurting Echo, she's actually helping. When she walked away, Kai jumped and went to echo, the horse was breathing hard.

The redhead came back with a lot in her hands, she is at average height for a teen, she looks fit. She has Green piercing eyes with a small pointy nose, her lips were a dark pinkish color. The standing out part of her was the hair, long dark red hair, she wore a head chain. The chains are golden with red tint and the jewels are made of emerald complementing her eyes.

Her dress is dark green, a two piece, the top is held by string around her neck and the skirt is cut at the sides so her legs can be seen. The skirt also has a golden chain to hold it in place. Her stomach and back was also shown too.

She saw the boy and summoned her sceptre " Ateckos ! " a blue fire ball hit the boy and he fell.  He grunted in pain and held his side.  " Don't move ! You dare come any closer to her and I will kill you ! " she said and pointed her sceptre at  him. Echo stood up and walked in front of the boy. The girl widened her eye at the horse's behaviour. " Echo... Don't worry..." The boy coughed.

" Loyalty, one of the most rarest traits to have in a horse, how ?" She asked herself. The horse helped the boy up and he stood up, holding onto the saddle. " Excuse us my lady but we have to go ".

" Aren't you Kai ? The son of the great Lucas ? ".


Hello everyone ! I wanted to do something that is not fanfiction, the drawing on the side I made it, I wanted to draw and make an OC with a story.

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