Natasha swerved out the driveway behind the wheel of her Mini Cooper and in a couple of minutes was on the M4. The tears had now dried but left mascara running down her rosie cheeks. They had only been together for a year and it had all gone so quickly; they moved into her flat after being together for 8 months. Looking back at it now, Natasha thought it was all a bit rushed but they were in love. Were. They were in love and what's happened now she thought to herself.
After a silent journey, Natasha arrived at her sisters house and parked in the driveway. The house was small but comfy, one that Natasha always thought she and Lucas would move into when they saved up enough. She shook her head at the thought of him and pushed it to the bottom of her heart. Knock knock. A women opened the door and instantly embraced Natasha into a warm hug.
"Nat. Hello. Wow how are you"she took a step back and slowly laid her eyes on Natasha's tear stricken face. "Oh no no no. What's happened" and before Natasha could answer she was pulled into another hug. The honey perfume her sister wore engulfed Natasha and they stood there for a minute or two. Finally she pulled away and beckoned Natasha inside. "So" she sat down on the kitchen table and patted the stool next to her.
Natasha reluctantly sat down and sighed. "Well me and Lucas are having problems" suddenly the warm glow from her sisters face was gone.
"Did that motherfu"
"No no no!" Natasha interjected. "Heather! We just had an argument and well. We kinda broke up I guess"
"Did he hurt you? Because if he did so help me god I will rip his di" Heather threatened.
"Stop" Natasha interrupted her again. "He didn't hurt me. I'm ok, alright!" They both smiled and looked down at the brightly coloured table cloth. "I'm just a little upset. You know how well my dating life has been so I guess it's what you could expect" Natasha thought back to her 6 other previous boyfriends who all eventually left her. "All I want is a man with the looks of Bucky, the kindness of steve, the brains of Bruce, the humour of Deadpool and the money and devotion of stark. Oh and also the style of Loki. Damn he has good fashion sense! Is that to much to ask for?" Both girls lent back giggling like little girls again and for a second all there worried had been lifted away.
"Remember that time when we were like what 7 and you and that boy where together? You broke up because you found him holding hands with ... oh what was her name? Oh yeh Angel " Heather laughed but soon her smile was washed away when she look backed up. Natasha was looking up at her coldly, her bottom lip trembling while she did.
"I don't want to talk about that" she said quietly. The vines that intertwined with the sisters history was one that was long forgotten but still as strong as ever. Natasha flashed back to nights where she couldn't sleep because of thinking about it. Hours on hours of endless crying silently so Lucas didn't hear her in the bathroom or in the kitchen. As long as he didn't see her weak she could get through it.
"You can't wash it away and pretend it never happened. Whitley was part of our childhood and don't try erasing your entire childhood because believe me if you could I would." Heather was now standing up her arms crossed defensively ready to be attacked by Natasha.
"What do you mean our childhood?" Natasha was now level with Heather. "Childhood is riding you bike for the first time and falling over or staying up all night to try and catch Santa delivering your presents. Not spending nights alone in an orphanage because they said it would build your character and make you emotionally stronger. And don't try and tell me for one second that childhood doesn't need parents because if you do..." Natasha sat back down on the chair, her head in her arms not bothering to finish the sentence.
"I know this is hard but you just have to except that is it part of us." Heather moved closer to Natasha and they sat in silence for the rest of the hour.

Glitter and gold
Mystery / ThrillerNatasha is a law student who's life is completely normal apart from one thing. Someone may be trying to kill her... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When a number of deaths start to occur in London it's only a matter of time before the police find something thar...