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it was funny how we were right next to each other yet it felt like we were worlds apart. i stared outside jimin's window as his arms were wrapped around my waist on his bed.

thoughts of jungkook and i flooded my mind and i find myself smiling as i remembered the bliss feeling of his lips, the way he would say my name, and his smile.

then my smile dropped as i remembered the person next to me. i felt my heart being tugged. i knew this was wrong.

i fell out of love with my boyfriend and in love with his best friend. i lied to jimin. i broke my promise and said i wouldn't ever stop loving him.

yet it felt like i had no real connection to him anymore. and that broke my heart to know how he would feel if he knew. i felt my eye stinging with tears and soon i began crying.

i felt my body being turned around and my face met jimin's worried one.

"are you okay y/n? what's wrong? is it that time of the month again?" this only caused me to sob harder as he pulled me into his chest and started running circles on my back to calm me down.

"im so sorry jimin." i managed to choke out. jimin looked at me confused.

"for what?" i was a mess by now and i could see that my tears had stained his shirt.

"im sorry, im so sorry." jimin was scared now and he was shaking my arms.

"y/n! what do you mean? talk to me baby.."

"you're gonna hate me so much, god, im such a bad girlfriend." jimin was speechless as he listened to me ramble.

"you deserve someone better than me.." i sniffed and jimin wrapped his arms around me and held me like he would never let go.

"shh..it's okay y/n. i could never hate you because i love you too much to do that. no matter what happens, i could never hate you." i only cried harder as he patted my head.

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