15. ♡

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Almost a year later.

jimin had just arrived home from work and he was exhausted. lately work had been much harder on him, especially since his painful breakup with y/n.

he sighed as he got out his car and walked to his mailbox and closed it, collecting all the mail.

he walked inside and poured himself a cup of tea and turned on the tv to relax to.  after he finished, he sat at his kitchen table and looked at all the mail he had received. one by one, he threw out useless letters. he was about to discard the last one when something had caught his attention.

"to park jimin."

he raised his eyebrow as he curious, nobody had really sent him letters as they would always tell him in person or text him. mail? it was very rarely. he wondered who this person could be.

his thoughts were interrupted as his stomach growled, reminding him to prepare dinner. jimin sighed as he put the specific letter on his bed stand, planning to read it later.


jimin couldn't sleep. he never could when there was thunder and lightning outside. stormy weather was never his favorite. in fact, it had been his worst since the day y/n left him. he despised rainy weather since.

he sat up and drank the cup of water and his eyes widened as he saw the letter.

right. the letter.

jimin had totally forgotten about the letter after he made dinner. he reached over and turned on his lamp, light illuminating the dark room.

he hesitated for a moment, what if there was bad news inside the letter like his mom's grave had been robbed or his brother died?

he tried not to think about those thoughts and brushed it off.

the thunder boomed outside as jimin delicately ripped the letter open. his eyes scanned over the letter and he read it silently.

dear park jimin,

if you're wondering why i wrote this, it's because i needed to write this letter or else im afraid the guilt would kill me. you are truly something else park jimin. you shine in ways that amaze me. you love and care for others deeply. im so thankful that someone like you came into my life. im just really sorry that i couldn't return all the things you did for me, including loving you forever like i said i would. you see the goodness in others and god im so envy of that. im sorry that my own heart betrayed me and fell in love with another man. im so sorry and i wish i could reverse time. the truth is, i lied. i always have loved you. at first, i loved you with all my heart but during the end, i just didn't love you like the way did for me. but i promised i always have loved you. I know you might still hate me at this point and i understand because i hate myself too. i deserve this. but you don't. you deserve someone who will wake you up with kisses in the morning or who'll be there to comfort you in the hardest times. you deserve someone who will love you with all their being. unfortunately i failed. i hope you found someone better than i'll ever be. i will always cherish the memories we had together.

please love and take care of yourself.

to; park jimin.Where stories live. Discover now