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"NO! I'm so sick of all of you! All you do is fight! What happened to the friendly and loving people I once knew?!" Angel shouted in frustration and anger.

"So what? It's what we do! Get over it and quit complaining!" Mason shouted. Angel continues gathering all of her belongings, cramming everything into her bag. Mason pushes her before she gets to open the door, causing her to drop her stuff and making a mess. She nearly cries until she notices one of the members helping her pick up her items and placing it all into the bag.

"Hey, don't cry. I understand we aren't what we used to be. I am sorry, I stay because I have nowhere else to go. But hey, at least you can get away from this mess." They said. Angel looks up and smiles. Samantha was the only reasonable and understanding member among the group, her eyes meet Angel's and she returns to smile back.

"Thank you so much, Samantha! At least you're very decent. I just can't take all this stupidity from this group and the hate, the fighting, I mean...it's all not worth it." Angel says to Samantha.

"No problem, I hope things do get better for you. There is too much everywhere we go, stay safe." Samantha replies as Angel leaves the house. Before Angel takes another step she hears yelling, but not just any yelling. It's all pointed toward Samantha.

"You little lesbian loser! Why would you help her?!" Kate asked rudely. "You would help the leader and Angel, that little Devil but not me?! You need to fix your sexuality because there is no way in Hell that you will ever get into Heaven!"

"What does it matter, Angel was hurting because of us. Now eventually we will all pay the price, I think you better fix yourself because I see that if I try. I only fail so yeah, thanks for nothing." Samantha said.

Angel walks off to avoid hearing more of the arguing, it destroys her so much to see people full of hate. Then she hears a scream, Samantha's scream. Angel could barely remember when the group was once friendly and there was no such thing as "Hatred" but yet all seem to have let their guard down.

Angel's shoulders began to burn and hurt from the weight and friction of her heavy backpack. Angel stopped for a while at a gas station to cool off, she drips sweat with every step she takes. She begins to look around for a refreshing drink to buy, Angel had managed to steal forty-eight dollars from Mason before she had thought about leaving.

She picks a bottle of water and quickly goes to purchase it.

"What's the hurry?" The cashier asked.

"I am just having a rough and long day so I am kind of in a huge rush," Angel replied.

"Oh, okay. Yeah, don't we all want a good day to hit us at some point rather than nonsense," the cashier replied.

Angel receives her water bottle back and leaves, she drinks a little bit of her water and then sets the bottle into her bag and continues her long walk back home. Finally a cool breeze comes through, cooling Angel off from the sun's heat-stroking rays.

"Well, this is it. Life on the streets, I now know how life on the street feels. I have to return home before I experience more of what it's like to be on the streets...alone," Angel mumbled to herself.

She then remembers that the groups' struggle to stay together was going to eventually lead to their downfall. One day Group 716 will be nothing but just a memory and in the past is where they'll stay.

Angel felt sick, her head began to ache and her stomach was churning with agony. Could the time be now? She still had to walk many miles before arriving at her parents' house.

"You may proceed on with your day, but your life will be mine to keep. You'll be safe, you must first find redemption." Angel finds herself repeating those words.

She stops and drops to her knees. She never knew she was saying anything until the words were locked inside her head just repeating over and over and over and over again. She was frozen in fear, she wasn 't the one saying those words, someone else was. Maybe the lord from above? Or the liar down below? Redemption is all Angel wanted, to clean the mess she had made and to mend the wounds she has faced.

"What does this mean? Who are you? What words did you put into my mouth?" Angel questioned aloud.

Angel continued her long walk back home, more words were placed into her mouth. But this time it's different, she found her repeating chaos. "You are the only one who will not fall into this cycle of insanity."

Angel tries to forget the words she has repeated over and over but nothing seems to make her forget, the words seem to be scarred into her head for life. Angel wanted to cry more than ever but she had no more tears to cry out her misery. She couldn't decide what was worse, the group or the nonsense that was being shoved into her head.

"This isn't happening, it can't be," Angel mumbled. She felt like she was being watched, and talking to herself was drawing attention.

"Wake up wake up wake up!" She told herself, but the voices were more real than her own. Angel was puzzled but at the same time she wasn't. It wouldn't be the first time she had heard voices out of thin air.

"Hey, are you lost?" A man asked.

"No sir, I'm just enjoying my walk" Angle replied, though she did not enjoy anything at the moment. The voices have her confused but she managed to keep a straight face.

"Okay then, stay safe and have a good evening." The man said as he walked off. Angel took off running just in case he ended up following her. Fortunately, he was nowhere near to be found in sight. Angel stopped to catch her breath, she knew she couldn't trust anyone yet. Another day awaits, she waits for the right time to copy down a note she had found in her bag that was written in numbers. Samantha's handwriting...

Fallen: The Devil Down The Road [ Dark Age Storyline ] [2]Where stories live. Discover now