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Draco pov

I am awoken to a slight tapping at my chamber door. Severus called for me through the door.

"Dragon! It is time to get up so we can go to diagon alley! Are you up yet?"

I casted a quick Tempus, it was only a little after seven. "Yes Sev, but why the rush? It's only seven and we went shopping last week. Surely we don't need anything?" I hoped he would let me sleep. I stayed up late last night drawing and was exhausted.

"Oh no Draco, didn't you hear? There's an additional year for seventh years at Hogwarts because of the war. I just got your letter. We have to get our clothes and books and whatnot, so hurry up!" With that, he left, his footsteps echoing through the manor.

That surprised me. Not the fact that there was an eighth year for us, but the fact that I was invited back. Yeah, the trials did clear me, Father and Sev, but what was the Headmistress thinking?!? I would be picked on all year. Could I maybe not go? A voice snapped me out of my trance.

"And no, you are going. No getting out of it Draco." I chuckled. I would never get use to Sev being around. He could just tap into your brain... Luckly I know some tricks to push him out.

I sighed and got up to get ready. It would be a long day.


Is it okay so far?

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