Chapter 1

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            I was walking through the halls of Skyline Middle School. It wasn't until then had I noticed how dim the lights were, and how they flickered every once in a while. Middle School was the most boring place I had ever been to in my whole life. The hallways and black carpets reeked like muddy boots, no matter how many air freshener bottles they sprayed to try and cover up the revolting smell. However, to make up for the smell, they made everything look seemingly nice and clean.

           The lockers were grey and black, polluted with gym clothes and scrap paper. The desks were all filled with stacks of homework due the next day.

           I already hated grade 7.

Skyline Middle School was new to me; it was my first year. I had made one friend, but no one else really knew me. I guess I didn't know everyone either.

           The banners at school hung draped across the front door, the words 'Respect' written in pretty font across the ribbon. The floors were white with little specks of grey sprinkled across it, and the showcases were filled with basketball trophies won by the grade eights.

           To the left of the showcases were the washrooms. There were three stalls and two sinks. Next to the washroom was a water fountain. From what I'd heard, last year, a boy kept it running for the entire day, so they made a policy where everyone only got a minute with the water.

            The school was very organized, and seemed to think that the more homework they gave, the more the students would like the teachers. They were very wrong.

           My old school hardly gave any homework, but the teachers sucked, and I could never learn anything from them.

           I turned around and faced my classroom. The walls seemed to move. I shook my head and blinked a couple times, but it didn't stop. The classroom seemed so narrow. Since when was it so narrow?

           I blinked again, but the walls still seemed like they were spinning. Suddenly, pressure hit my head like a whirlpool, forcing me down. The tension between my forehead enhanced, and I was in too much pain to scream.

           I cried and gasped for air. Everything was spinning so fast, my body went numb. The lockers and carpets started blurring into a scene of black. I tried to run to the nurse's office, but I couldn't see anything. Students' voices echoed in my head as my eyes started to roll, red spots dancing in front of me. I doubled over, the walls fading to black, and suddenly, I was in a dark room.

           There were no doors or windows, no light or end. It was just an eternal field of darkness. There was a small figure in the middle of the room. I couldn't quite make out the face. I only saw a red light. It was blood.

           When my mind registered, I screamed. My shoes were dead still as my bones shook within my body, my skin turning pale. I fell to the ground, overcome with fear and anxiety. The darkness surrounded me as I covered my head in panic. I could feel a wet dew coil around my body.

           Hello, Emma Smith..

A voice echoed in the darkness. I yelped. 

          Run, run, but I'll catch you...

           Then, I was sucked back into reality. The world became clearer and I could make out a classroom.

           I wobbled over to the water fountain and sprayed my face with a blast of cold water. Everything stopped. Then I fell. On my face.

           My only friend, Clarice, rushed over from her locker to help me up. "Emma, you good?" she asked.

           I was in too much of a panic to speak. I had no idea what had happened. Where had I gone? How was it possible?


          I bursted through the doors and fled the school. Clarice chased after me.

"Emma! Where are you going?" she hollered.

          I didn't dare speak. I kept running. Tears flooded my eyes. I didn't know anything! Fear crept into my mind as the imagery of that dark room replaced all my thoughts. No doors, no windows, no light. Only a fuzzy image lay in the center.

           I cried again. Never in my life had I ever wanted to go home so badly. I felt so unprotected. I scrambled up the stairs and stepped out onto the road. I wanted to escape life. I wanted to run away from the darkness.

          "Emma, stop!" Clarice wailed. I didn't, nor couldn't stop. I ran onto the road. My own tears made everything fuzzy. I couldn't see anything.

"NO!" screamed Clarice.

           I turned. I could make out a red light. A car horn rang through my ears as metal pierced my stomach. The impact was rough, but I couldn't really feel it.

           I was hit by a car. 

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