standing out

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An: You be the cools if you remember the movie this song is from :)

So I was showing my mom one of the chapters from here( when you first find out) and she said that she never heard of me being quiet. She was told that I was extremely popular. Maybe people did know my name (except this one kid that I was in the same class with... and in student council with AND SAT BEHIND! *cough cough) yet that wasn't actually caused by me socializing haha. Nah. I'm not sure if all quiet people do this, but I like to express myself by demonstrating my interests. 

So how did I (sorta) get known in elementary school? I sang G.N.O by Miley Cyrus in a talent show. It stands for girls night out and I couldn't blame you if you couldn't remember it. I even had such cool choreography like singing something, then moving to one side of the stage and singing some more and then moving to the middle while singing, again. 

Okay so I wasn't going to be the next upcoming kid star then, but I was expressing myself to not just a few acquaintances, but almost the whole school in such a unique way. This was crazy for someone who seemed so kept to themselves. Quiet doesn't always mean uncommunicative as communication doesn't always mean talking.

 As I present myself to others in such varying ways, everyone can have also varying opinions of me. For example, in class if you never raise your hand, but you obtain great test scores, the teacher knows your smart, although your classmates wouldn't have a clue.  For me, I have a great interest in clothes so I tend to go further with my fashion choices. The people in the halls might think I'm all hardcore and trendy with my on clearance chain looped on my thrifted ripped jeans, yet I might be listening to Kero Kero Bonito( a song about shrimps). 

However I can't always bust out into song like a musical, no matter how amazing that would be, so interpretations of me can't always be as positive as I hoped. I could go to a party and nestle into a couch cushion while on my phone. I might look rude, like I'm too good for the party when actually I'm doing that because I'm having some anxiety from not having someone to talk to or that I look awkward if I'm just standing there. I could be completely fine, yet seem like I'm not due to my condition of 'resting-sad face'. Other means of communication aren't usually readily available like talking, so that's still a struggle of being quiet.  

Author's note: Do you suffer from any resting _____ face? What are your interests and how do you share them if you do do so?

So my glory days weren't all back in elementary school, although I kinda do talk about it a lot. If you care to know I'm actually doing theater right now and hoping to be Velma in the musical Chicago. 

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