Chapter 3 ®

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I walked in silence down the hallway, Niall did everything he could to put a smile on my face but I really wasn't feeling it. But I love how he tried. He's always been there for me and it's great to know that there is still someone out there who gives a shit.

I entered my last class, writing, I only have it once a week. As I look around the room to take my seat I couldn't help but notice that this class was full of freshman.


I took a seat not so close to the front but close enough to see the board and to have my own space.

"Hi there! I'm Jessica" a tiny blonde girl says turning around to me

I simply give her a wave and look down at the journal sitting in front of me.

"How was your first day of school?" She asks clearly trying to start a conversation

Is she serious? Does it look like I'm in the mood to talk?

"Good." I simply tell her

Her eyes still on me as she smiles. I'm still confused as to why she is still looking at me, I answered her question what the hell does she want? I don't mean to be rude but my mind is just messed up and I just don't want to socialise. I look back up to her and she's still staring!

"How was your first day?" I say forcing a smile

"Oh, it went well, better than I expected"

She kept blabbering on and on until the teacher walked in.

Thank god

She introduces herself as Ms. Evans and she did the whole roll call blah blah blah I didn't pay attention to until she actually called my name.

"Now I understand it's the first day of class but I just want to get to know you guys a bit more. I'm not asking for much but for your first assignment. "

I already heard groans and teeth sucking from the back.

" write about yourself, write about what you expect out of high school, what you hope to achieve, maybe for some of you, you can write about your High School journey and how it's gone so far."

Some of us?? I'm the oldest one in the class.

The class began and it was silent as everyone had their head down eyes focused on their writing. I look up to the front of room as Ms. Evans was fiddling around with stacks of paper. I finally came up with a thought of what to write and immediately began to work. I'm not much of a writer but I like writing, it relaxes me, it's my sanctuary, helps me get away from things like the drama at home, and this is a perfect time to let myself relax and allow my mind to flow and forget events that build up anger in my body that I never let out.

I flinch as I hear the door slam. I don't bother looking up, I simply roll my eyes to myself.

Don't people know letting the doors slam distract people?

"Nice of you to join us Mr.Payne." Ms.Evans voice says as a tall figure with brown hair, pushed up almost like a mohawk, but he had hair on the side. He came into the class with jean sleeveless jacket, and black skinny jeans with Timberland boots. No knapsack or anything....

"Glad to see me?" His thick accented voice says

Is he kidding? Who says that to a teacher

Ms.Evans doesn't even flinch at the comment, I guess she is used to his stupidity

" I'd be glad to see you graduate." She says back

Nice comeback Evans I laugh at my mind jokes and continue to write.

After I finish writing I notice the new kid sitting way in the back of room on his phone like he has some important business to do rather than the assignment.

The bell rang and as we left the room Ms.Evans wanted us to put our papers in a pile on her desk. Of course Mr. I'm too good for this is the first one out the room.

He walks down the hallways like he owns the place making everyone move out of his way, just when I thought he couldn't get more stubborn he knocks into someone making all their books fall to the ground and hallways burst of laughter and he kept walking.

What a dick!

My eyes go wide when I realise the person picking up their books while people continued to laugh was Niall!

The anger rush just filled me up as I walked down the hallways swiftly and I did something I would never imagine doing

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM! WATCH YOUR GOING IDIOT!" I scream down the hallways as it gets silent and he turns around and his eyes fix on me. I gulped down slowly and process what I did. I walk up to Niall and kneel down and help him looking away from his eyes.

"Are you ok?" I ask Niall

"Yeah I'm fine," he says gathering up all his books as he stands up.

When I stand he was gone, and everyone went back to their business. When we got outside I took in a deep breath of the warm air making me gag.

"Rory, what's the matter with you? Are you crazy, you couldn't have brought some much trouble to yourself." Niall exclaims looking out for me as always

"What's the big deal? Who does he think he is, why should he get away with doing that?" I complain

Niall shakes his head and looks up to me

"That's Liam Payne, no one ever gets in his way, he was a reputation." Niall says

Liam Payne, who the hell is that? I've been in that school since 9th grade I've never once heard or seen him and if Ms.Evans knows him he can't be a new student to the school, especially if he has some "reputation"

"So what's his story?" I ask

"Well I don't know for sure, but I do know is he doesn't let anyone get in his way otherwise...." He stops mid-sentence


I look up and see him, Liam Payne adjusting his helmet as he sits on his motorcycle. His eyes meet mine and I look away. He puts the glass cover on his helmet and drives away.

Tough guy huh? Will see

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