Chapter 13 ®

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Liam's P.O.V.

Does she think I'm lying about the nominations, cause I'm not, ok well I may have told a little white lie. But its not really a lie, i just left out some important details. I wasn't gonna do anything to her. She needs to loosen up. Besides she shouldn't have taken that kiss seriously. Who told her I was interested in her anyway. Just because I kissed her doesn't mean there has to be something between us, I don't really know why I kissed her it sort of just happened..but its normal right....don't teenage guys kiss girls? Just saying

There she goes off with her that blonde kid Neil or whatever his name is. I could have sworn they were dating? To my surprise I notice them part ways. Looks like someone is walking alone. I watch as Rory walks down the road to her house. I adjust my helmet, my eyes not leaving hers. I feel like a stalker.

Wait, who is that? Someone is coming towards Rory.

Rory's P.O.V.

Once again I am walking home by myself, I could get used to it, Niall really seems to be enjoying the team hes on. I least hes doing something he loves. As I make my way home I notice someone coming my way.

"Hey there"

The person is now clear to me.

"Harry." I walk up giving him a hug

"How was your day?"

"You learn something new everyday" I smile

"So I've heard, there's this party...and I was wondering....."

Oh, no is he gonna ask me to come to a party, how will I tell him, that I'm not a party girl, I mean it would be kinda cool to go and get a experience, but still, what if my mother finds out about what goes on during the party, she will have a fit.

"Rory?" he calls out

Oh shit! he's waiting for an answer

"Ummm...what time did you say?

"its at 9, I'm not forcing you to go or anything, but it couldn't hurt for you to you know what's the catch phrase they use.."live a little" he chuckles

Harry is right, I should live a little, but just a little, for a person who keeps things quite organized and thinks before she acts, I say yes without even thinking.

Smart move Rory. Good luck making up the biggest load of bullshit to your parents.

"Harry, hows it going."

I turn to see Liam walking towards us.

Oh here we go.

"How are you lad?" Harry responds

"Great, what you up too?"

"Nothing really just invited Rory to accompany me to Lou's party"

"Oh, did you now." he turns and has that smug look

I can tell by the look of his face he doesn't look happy. I never realized how good I was when it comes to reading peoples expression, but I have to say I'm quite awesome at it.

"Yeah, you're gonna be there?" Harry asks taking my hand in his

O.M.G.! hes holding my hand! I could just squeal

"Oh yeah ill be there."

That does not sound like a good tone, I thought they were buds, did something happen

"See you two later then" Liam say hoping onto his motorcycle and driving off

We walked down the block and Harry didn't let go of my hand. I broke the silence just before we arrived to my house

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