Im done

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It's finally coming to an end. Our little round about of "romance". Pretty much 13 years and I'm finally really actually thinking about ending whatever this is with him... it's not. I don't really know what to say I'm just depressed. I go to work and survive through it and then go home and survive through that as well. I'm giving him until New Years to do ANYTHING at this point. Message me, talk to me, ask to come over, say hello or any fucking thing. I've message him, I've told him I need him and yet...

I don't really know what to do. It's been so long and it's just been him... fuck did I ruin anything good for myself. I don't know how to meet other people let alone have a mutual romance. I've liked people one sidedly, people have liked me one sidedly, but he was the only one who liked me when I liked him at the same time. Now it's  like we're just old high school buddies.

I've lost the will to write at all anymore...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2018 ⏰

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