Second Chapter

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I thought I'd feel very different the first time it happened

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I thought I'd feel very different the first time it happened. Both kissing and actually being with a girl, but... I didn't feel changed. I felt like it was bound to happen at some point and now when it had, there was nothing. It was anti-climatic. I mean, it had felt good and I definitely wanted to do it a lot more, but I thought I'd feel more grown up after it. But I didn't.

I did date Clarissa Davies now though which was okay. She was nice. Even though it had been years since our first kiss behind the bleachers during prom, we had kind of just drifted apart and then closer again. And now apart again, apparently.

I was at her house, hanging out with her and her brother Daniel, when she announced that she was going to bed. Awkward as I was, I didn't know what to do from there. Was I supposed to leave?

"Nah, you don't have to leave," Daniel assured me. "She just likes to play dramatic. Don't play into it."

I leaned back on the couch again and turned my attention to the TV. "This is a good movie. Have you seen it?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I didn't get to finish it."

"That's too bad. The ending is good."


I looked up and met his gaze, nodding. Something in his eyes did I couldn't really look away. He was looking very intently at me.

Daniel was one of the cool kids. I was kind of too, but not really. I just hung out with some of them, like Clarissa, but I was never really one of them. Daniel hadn't ever really spoken to me before that night and now... Something in the atmosphere just changed.

He rose to all fours and crawled from one end of the massive corner couch over to me. I had no idea what he was doing, but I didn't stop him either. I stared up at him as he was hovering over me, his legs spread over my lap.

He slowly lowered his head and very softly kissed me. Now that was something else. But at the same time it wasn't. I knew he was a boy and I had only kissed girls so far, but this felt just as right as kissing a girl.

He deepened the kiss then and my stomach completely stumbled over. I didn't want this to stop for anything. I wanted more. Way more.

Daniel pulled back and looked down at me. "You... Should probably go."

I swallowed hard and nodded. He didn't move though and I couldn't really get off the couch unless he got off me. But he didn't move off me. He lowered himself and kissed me again.

"Break up with my sister," he murmured against my lips.

"O-okay," I stammered.

He pulled up again and snorted, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "My friend Ben is having a party next week. You should come."

I nodded a little hesitantly. "Okay."

"Don't bring the nerd squad with you. You can bring Charlie. His sister is a pal. But forget the others."

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