Chapter 10

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Destiny stared into Revenge's eyes. She was sure that her eyes must have looked insane. How can I save them... her mind was ringing with that thought. The people are calling, but can I save them? Glow looked mildly delighted, and mostly angry. Revenge winced. Probably my  thoughts. He knows what I'm planning... Destiny stared at Glow. 

"Is this real?" Destiny hissed at Glow. 

"Indeed it is." Glow replied. Destiny spread her wings and soared to her hut. She crash-landed inside it, making the scroll racks rattle. Woah there. Steady now. Destiny grabbed a scroll with an inkwell, and started writing. 

Destiny, Queen of the LoyalWings, giving food and water and a home to those in need. 

Revenge, at Shadow's palace, sadly waiting in a cell. 

Universe, wearing a twisted crown, his eyes bright red, ordering dragons around. 

Shadow, using Revenge to keep Destiny at bay. 

Revenge and Destiny, mourning someone... Universe.

Revenge and Destiny again, watching their newest daughter hatch.

Revenge, living without Destiny. With that other NightWing. Destiny soon recognized the NightWing. Holy moons. That's Dreamcatcher! SHES ALIVE!  Destiny whirled around, to see Revenge staring at her. 

"Hello again." Revenge whispered. "I would never find someone else." 

"Even if I went homicidal?" Destiny asked, being sarcastic and trying to make Revenge laugh. 

."Nope! I'd love you for a thousand years." He replied. "Love, you need more scroll racks" he laughed.

"Yeah." Destiny sighed. "Maybe I'll go get some tomorrow if I didn't spend all my jewels on scrolls. I think I might have dropped a dragonflame cactus in here. Could you find it?"

"Yeah." Revenge replied, and started searching around Destiny's hut. Destiny spread her wings and flew out to catch dinner. She turned around and saw a SkyWing in her hut. Firescales. Is that Revenge's sister? Is that A DRAGONFLAME CACTUS? GET TO REVENGE! Destiny's mind roared, just as the dragonflame bomb blew up. Once again, Destiny was diving to Revenge. 

"Little bro? You ok?" Destiny heard the SkyWing call. 

"Help me!" Destiny roared to her, tears streaming her face.

"I can't touch him! I have firescales!" The SkyWing roared back, coughing. 

"What's your name?" Destiny coughed, and searched through the smoke.

"SunSky." The SkyWing replied, waving smoke away from her snout. "My name is SunSky." Destiny nodded. 

"I'm Destinychooser. Call me Destiny." Destiny told SunSky, and grabbed Revenge!s wing. "Where can we go?" SunSky looked around.

"Oh! I know! Follow me!" SunSky said as she took off. Oh I hope SunSky is right. I hope will help Revenge. Destiny's mind was all over the place. She was surprised she didn't wake Revenge up. It'll be ok Revenge. I got you in my arms, and I'm not letting go.

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