Chapter 21 - Fight With Fire

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These feelings won't go away. They caress me, calm me and savour me. Over and under, the colours intertwine with one meeting the red string of fate. His words, his voice, his being. It's so much showing. Too bright for the eyes that people wouldn't own. A gushing flow of wind, knocking me to a sense of what he said.

"You've captured my colourless heart."

Why.. would he say that now? he's ways... it's confusing me to the hilt.

Staring into those eyes, you could see his powerful emotions. So much truth swimming within the grey. He tightens his hold on my hands like he was protecting me. I needed this. It felt good.

"Ashlyn, I can't wait for much longer.. we need you to rein. I need you up there by my side."

"You mean you want me to become the queen? So soon. Wouldn't this be dangerous? I thought we were trying to keep everyone about me a secret until it was right. Why the sudden change Kol?"

He seemed lost for words, his eyebrows furrowed in deep thought.

"The quicker we make this happen.. maybe it will bring out the evil.. it would stop this supernatural war. You would be queen just like the late king would have wanted Ashlyn. It could change everything."

That would mean I would have to marry him and.. I would suddenly be queen to Enslia? This is happening so fast, almost rushed.

"I'm flattered for your idea of it happening but I think it's too soon. Right now everyone knows me as a slave, an object to you. Not as their queen Kol. Do we need to think this through? We don't want to rush things, Okay?"

A look of hurt crosses his features as he releases his soft hold and stands up. Something in me stirs, I feel... not right. He looks so powerful and big looking down on me. something's changed just now. His face isn't as calm and caring as it was just before. No, it's hard and cold. It's as if he's someone else right now. Sighing, he speaks with no emotion, like everything he had said was all an act.

"I guess we will have to do this the hard way. Guards, take care of this girl. Make sure nothing harms her pretty little face. Ensure no one sees you. Now!"

Out of nowhere, a swarm of built guards surround me. Each looking at me like I'm prey. they come in closer once I shoot up from the chair. I look around for something, anything to help me.

"What are you doing, what's going on!? Answer me!."

In return, my face is suddenly numb and my neck has turned the other way. The echo of the hard slap from him answers everything. They have betrayed me. I felt sick to my stomach as I try to pry off the smirking guards that had they harsh hands on me.

"Why are you doing this? I thought.."

I realise I'm crying which only makes his smile even more.

"You sick bastard! What's going on?! Just what are you doing Kol?!"

His hand faster than my own words finish me with another forceful slap against the same cheek. By now it could even bleed with how much it hurt.

"You filthy whore! I am the King! Do not call me by my name. Take her away now! I don't want to see her face."

"Wait, no! Stop it, get off me."

I try to shove them away, using all my power I could muster. I felt the hot energy seep through my body, ready to be released. Suddenly a feel a sharp pain in my neck. I put my hand to my neck in confusion and bring it back to view only to see blood, pooled onto my hand.

"What is this? What's happening."

The guards and the floor melt together, swaying and turning in a sickening dance.

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