Chapter 7

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  With that, I crawled under my covers and drifted off into sleep. 


I woke up clutching my head in desperation. I was in so much pain. I sat up to see the morning light peaking through my blinds. I let out a groan of agony and swung my feet over the edge of the bed. I stood, my bones and joints complaining with every movement. I clambered out of my bedroom, still dressed in last nights clothes. I pried one eye open and saw a sleeping blonde on my couch.

"Ashley?" I mumbled, rubbing my head.

"Yeah?" She said, taking her shoes off at the door. I looked from her to the sleeping person on my couch. 

"What the..." I mumbled, both eyes snapping open at this point. Then the events of last night hit me and I realized who was on my couch. I held in a groan and I rubbed my face, trudging to my bathroom. 

"What?" Ashley asked, as I had left her hanging. 

"Mic is asleep on my couch." I murmured, closing the bathroom door after myself. I splashed my face with water and cleaned up, making myself look presentable. As I was readying myself, I remembered the fluster of feelings I had last night. I groaned loudly and wanted to bounce my head off the wall. Ashley was right, and I didn't want to admit it, especially to her. 

I finished my routine and took a few pain killers before exiting the bathroom. Ashley wasn't in sight and Mic was still asleep. I sighed and went to my kitchen, going to get a start on breakfast. I saw Ashley leaning against the fridge with a smug look on her face. I shot daggers toward her with an icy glare as I started a pot of coffee. I pushed her out of my way and grabbed some stuff for breakfast, starting to cook while waiting on my coffee. 

By the time I had the bacon going, I was drinking my first cup of coffee, and Hizashi had woken up. I had a cup prepped for him, and it was sitting on the counter. He poked his head around the corner and I pointed to the cup with my spatula. A look of relief washed over him to see a cup of coffee and pain killers sitting in the same vicinity. I finished cooking and plated it up for the three of us and Ashley set the table. I brought it all out and everyone sat. I pointed at Ashley. 

"Hizashi, this is Ashley. Ashley, Hizashi." I said, proceeding to eat.

They exchanged waves and Ashley kept looking between me and him with the most smug look on her face. I looked up at her with an angry expression. "I swear to the nymphs you protect, I will cut your tongue out of your mouth if you don't quit." I said. I was not having it today. 

Both their eyes widened and Ashley laughed. "Remind me not to get on your bad side." Hizashi joked. I shot him daggers with my eyes, but didn't say anything. I finished my food and sat back, waiting on the other two. I refilled my cup once more before I stood from the table and took the dishes. I paused and spun around, looking at Ashley. 

"Keep your damn mouth shut while I do the dishes." I scolded, hesitantly leaving the two alone. I heard snickering as soon as I walked away. I stopped listening, unsure if I wanted to know what they were talking about. I started to hum to myself while doing the dishes, getting lost in my own world. 

Right as I was getting to the end of the dishes, I had a spatula thrown at me, to which I caught and glared at the attacker. She chuckled and walked away, probably going to sit on my couch. I finished the dishes and wiped everything down, drying my hands off. I sighed and looked about, finally landing on Mic, who had been sitting on the floor on his phone. I held in a chuckle and shook my head. I walked over and tapped him lightly on the head. He looked up at me and smiled. 

"Let me know when you wanna take off. I'll drop you off at your house." I said, simply being courteous. I walked away and he opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. "Shut up." He didn't say anything more and I plopped down next to Ash, lightly hitting her in the arm and her repeating it. 

I pulled out my phone and sat on it a while before Ashley got in my face. 'You like him.' She mouthed. I rolled my eyes and let out a groan. "I'm an adult, bud. I think I would be able to recognize my own feelings. If I had them to begin with." I said, standing and walking away from her. She gave me a half hurt look as I went into my bedroom to get changed into decent clothes. I plopped onto my bed and sighed. 

'Maybe she's right. Maybe I do have feelings. Not that I would do anything with them, anyway. Besides, it's probably not mutual.' I thought before pulling myself out of my mental daze. I finished getting dressed and exited my room. Ashley wasn't there anymore, and I felt kind of guilty. I caught sight of Hizashi sliding his jacket on and I watched him very creepily. I turned away before he noticed me, my face flushing with embarrassment.

"Where did she take off to?" I asked, pointing to the door. 

"Oh, she said she had to go feed her cat?" He said, shrugging. 

I sighed. "I'm not surprised. She always forgets to feed him in the morning." I said, moving toward the door. "You ready?" I asked, slipping on my shoes. 

He nodded. "Yeah, ready when you are." He said in his normal cheeky tone. I slightly cringed back at it and nodded, grabbing my keys. I led him over to my car and unlocked it. We climbed in and I started my car, starting on the way. 

There was some light music playing in the background as we were chatting about last night and he was giving me directions. When I pulled into his place, I was caught a little off guard. The place was huge! I laughed and told him I was envious of his house. He chuckled and shook his head. 

"Don't be. It's a pain in the ass to clean and it gets lonely very fast." He said with a laugh. 

I smiled. "At this point, anything looks better than the cardboard box that I call home." I joked. He laughed as he unbuckled his seat belt. 

"Your place is cozy. It's nice." He said, grabbing his phone. "Do you want to come in for a bit? I've got some time to kill."  He said, pushing open the door.

I sat there for a moment, a dumbfounded look on my face. "Uh- Sure!" I said, killing the engine of my car.

He laughed. "Sheesh, don't treat me like royalty, now. It's just a house." He said, closing the door after himself. 

I chuckled. "I'll try not to, your highness." I teased. He rolled his eyes at me with a smile as he lead me up to the front door. 

He unlocked it and the door swung open, revealing a pristine house with minimal, yet pleasing decor, which seemed completely out of character for him. I must have made some sort of noise upon entering the house, because he gave me a sheepish smile. 

"Yeah, it's big..." He mumbled, seemingly unsure of himself. "I don't honestly know what I was thinking when I bought this place. I have no use for most of the rooms." He said, tossing his house keys and things on the entry table. 

"Present Mic not knowing what to do with himself? That's a first." I joked. He laughed lightly and walked away, turning into what I assume was the living room. I took off my shoes and followed loosely behind him, not wanting to get lost. 

He gestured around the place. "Make yourself at home. I'm gonna go get changed." He said, walking up a flight of stairs. 

"I think that's physically impossible..." I murmured. I hadn't been in a place so big before, so this all seemed pretty surreal. I awkwardly sat myself on the couch, being cautious of touching anything, like it would shatter in my hands. I let my eyes drift about, extremely unsure of how to compose myself. 

I guess I looked a little uptight, because when he came back, he stifled a laugh. "What's your issue, bud?" He asked. He had come down a different set of stairs and was wearing a different outfit. He was wearing a loose button down shirt and some nice fitting black slacks with his regular glasses and his hair all down. I was having a mental rant, but kept a calm demeanor on the outside. 

I let out a light laugh. "I guess I just don't know how to compose myself."

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