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Despite growing older, Naruto retained his reckless and impulsive nature. A fifteen foot wide waterfall would have been just fine, a challenge even. But at the mention of Sasuke, the fated genin demanded a bigger challenge, despite having passed out from exhaustion multiple times that day alone from overexertion. Even now in the early hours of night the blonde had slipped out of his camp bed and resumed his stance before the roaring waters stretching beyond his view.

Kakashi watched from his own sleeping pad below ; he wasn't surprised in the slightest. Naruto had the same tenacity as his late father, something the jounin respected immensely. He knew he should worry and he did somewhat, but through the years of being the teenager's teacher Kakashi had learned to trust Naruto no matter how rash his actions could become. Naruto was not a fool - well, in the literal sense he was. But he was a lucky, preserverant fool nonetheless.

Watching for a moment more, Kakashi stood and glanced to his right. Tenzo - no, Yamato - slept lightly, drained himself from confining the student's tailed beast chakra. He would be able to react if anything happened the silver haired ninja told himself whilst replacing his flak jacket and forehead protector. Regardless, Kakashi left a shadow clone at the camp, an insurance policy should anything happen as he made his way hastily back into the village.


The lights to Gishi were just flicking off as he approached the door. Announcing his presence with a soft rap against the glass, he saw Hanae peek around the stairs and smile at the sight of him. She unlocked the door and ushered him inside.

"You have really good timing," the owner beamed as the two made their way upstairs.

Kakashi kicked off his sandals at the entryway and claimed his usual spot at the kitchen island. "No one's ever told me that before."

Hanae laughed from in front of the stove and laid out ingredients for the dinner that had been promised days before. They chatted about their days, his explanation much more condensed than hers both for the fact that she wouldn't understand most of it and so he could hear her voice more. Halfway through her recount of a bowl cut duo buying out the entire stock of eleuthero, she turned and motioned him into the kitchen with a short nod.

"Would you lend me a hand for a moment, please?" Her honeyed tone paired with pleading eyes swept the sninobi to his feet. At her side, he was handed a rice paddle. "Just keep folding the rice, I don't want to overcook the eggs." He did as told, glancing from his pot of multigrain rice over to the pan at her attention.

"Oyakodon?" He questioned and received a passionate nod.

She flipped the burner on his side off and supplied two large bowls in which he distributed the purple stained rice. The eggs she added to her pan weren't completely beaten, something he found perplexing, but he trusted the health-conscious farmer's method as their previous meal had been delicious. "Did you want an egg yolk?"

Retaking his seat the ninja hummed in affirmation. Hanae slid the protein over the rice, dimpling the center before sliding a raw yolk into the spot.

"Eggs are probably the best thing you can eat, ever. Protein, amino acids, fats, choline, you name it. Everything to form a healthy chick in one delicious little package." She set a bowl in front of him and slid a chinese spoon into his gloved hand, taking her seat beside him. "They're also high in antioxidants that promote eye health."

He caught the concern in her statement, turning his lone exposed eye in her direction. She sat praying in silence, one leg crossed over the other. Kakashi hadn't noticed how much closer her seat was to his until he felt the brush of her toes against his leg. The feeling was oddly comfortable and he stretched his leg to the side so her foot stayed pressed against his pants.

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