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Their first stop was Yamanaka Flowers. Kakashi could already feel his regret building as Ino met his gaze from her spot behind the counter.

"Ah, Kakashi-sensei," she greeted with a nod of a bow. He replied with an open palm, staying near the door as Hanae approached the kunoichi.

"Hello!" She still sounded jubilant despite the severely stuffed nose. "Would you happen to have any bee pollen?"

Ino appeared to be in deep thought before turning to the back of the store. "Let me check." Both customers heard a faint 'dad' being called out. Moments later Inoichi stepped out with his daughter, holding a large jar of a yellow grainy substance. He nodded to Kakashi, who nodded back, before turning his attention to the redhead at the counter.

"Hello, you were looking for bee pollen, correct?"

Hanae webbed her fingers together excitedly and bowed. "Yes, sir!" The two warmed up to each other fast as the Intelligence Division head scooped bee pollen into a smaller container, talking at length about the satisfaction of cultivation. She brought his gentlemanly nature to the surface with each passing minute, earning a disgusted look from Ino at the apparent flirtation. Especially when the Yamanaka head gave her a small bouquet of pale blue hydrangeas.

"A thank you gift for a first time customer," he explained more to his daughter than his customer.

Kakashi watched the farmer bury her face into the flowers again and again as he led the way to the bookstore per her request. "I hate to break it to you, but he's married."

Her giggle broke into coughs. "Hydrangeas are my favorite flower. These bigleaf hydrangeas are especially amazing, they grow from the previous blooms and change color depending on the acidity of the soil. Isn't that amazing?" She beamed despite her condition, admiring the flowers in her hands once more. "Besides, you're still my favorite person."

The jounin was grateful the walk to the bookstore was short. Inside he left her to her own devices, making his way to the far back section where the choice literature was housed. The clerk came to the same section whilst he feigned reading through his thoughts. They asked Kakashi if he needed any help which he declined before snagging one copy of each Icha Icha novel and making their way back to the front. Kakashi shifted between reading and browsing, all the while arguing with himself.

Hanae's happy 'hello' brought him to the front, startling her with quiet footsteps. "Did you want anything?" She offered and motioned to a stack ten books deep resting on the counter.

"Thanks," he replied with a shake of his head, waiting quietly through the transaction before scooping up the paper bag. "You need your rest," he joked as they made their way outside.

With every glance in their direction, Kakashi could feel the rumors growing. The Hatake legacy preceded him and made him a very popular man despite his best wishes. Of course, this entire situation could be explained away with the truth ; he was helping a civilian who could very well collapse in sickness at any moment. He was just doing his part in exemplifying the Will of Fire, being a good role model for the future generation. In fact, the shinobi had done similar deeds many times before, just for women who happened to be much older. And who weren't necessarily becoming a steady part in his routine. The point being this was, on the surface, nothing out of the ordinary for him.

This is what he repeated as said problematic woman requested he accompany her to the butcher's shop.

"I know where that one is. It's close to my house, in fact. But I would still feel better if you come with me."

And so, with the sun just beginning its descent, they made their way back towards Gishi, making idle conversation all the way. Again he found himself pointing things out, realizing early on that she hadn't explored much of the village on her own. Hanae would scoot away from him every once in a while as if worrying if her allergies were contagious. The thought of a sneeze being trapped in his mask horrified her.

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