Being so enamored, Hanae found herself a bit hurt by their next conversation.
"You should probably start opening the store again on Tuesdays."
She looked up from a packet of business reports to Kakashi, the man sitting on the stairs leading up to her living space. He had just returned from a four day mission, spending his free day sitting with her in Gishi. "Did I do something wrong?"
"It's physically impossible for you to do wrong," he chuckled with a shake of the head. "One of my students is going to be returning soon and the Hokage is going to be sending us on group missions. They'll be bigger than the ones before and I don't know when I'll be back."
Hanae set her hip against the counter with crossed arms, staring at his face in thought. After a moment she spoke. "So you want me to give up my harvest and spa day because of your changing schedule?" Tossing her head back, she laid the back of her hand across it and feigned a faint. "After I've been so nice to you, you want to rip away my happiness. The joy of a poor little farm girl."
Kakashi jutted an accusatory finger in her direction. "We both know why you took Tuesday off."
She just grinned and turned back to the documentation. "I have no idea what you mean, my dear Sensei." she lied through her teeth.
Smirking, he stood and approached her, slipping the papers away with a single finger. Hanae whined at the stray mark her pen left. "Then I guess I have to make it up to the poor farm girl. Close up and we can grab some Ichiraku in honor of Naruto's return."
The woman fought hard to keep her face from erupting into a blush as she stared up at the masked devil. She floundered, "are you asking me out on a date?"
The ninja shrugged. "It'll make up for the first one." She quirked a brow. "You won't be sick this time," he answered matter-of-factly.
Hanae walked beside Kakashi, checking her outfit for the tenth time. He could see this from the corner of his eye but didn't say anything, not wanting to embarrass the poor girl who in his opinion looked great in her choice of wear. He held the banners of Ramen Ichiraku to the side so she could duck in, following right behind.
Teuchi turned to the pair entering the empty ramen bar. "Hanae-chan, Kakashi!" He greeted boisterously and motioned for them to take a seat.
The woman smiled and made herself comfortable. "Teuchi-san, it's good to see you," she greeted.
Kakashi tossed her a glance. "Have you been here before?"
"No, but Teuichi-san is a good customer of mine."
The cook crossed his arms proudly. "Her lemongrass brings the soup together," he praised, effectively embarrassing the already flustered woman. "Now, what are we getting?"
Giving their orders, the pair launched into conversation again as the other worked. "Naruto is the one with the whiskers, right?" Hanae dragged three fingers across her cheeks to mimic the boy's peculiar trait.
Kakashi nodded, inwardly appreciating the cute action. "The loud one. He's been gone for about three years, off training somewhere far away."
Teuchi set their meals down in front of the couple. Hanae stared in wonder at the meal and practically drooled. The owner tossed the ninja a ribbing smirk and thumbs up, nodding his head towards the entranced farmer. Kakashi shrugged, returning an abashed expression, knowing full well what he was hinting at. The cook left them as they prayed, returning quickly with a sake warmer and pair of cups
"It's chilly, I don't want the young lady to get sick."
That night, Kakashi learned how much Hanae liked warm sake and how little she could actually handle. Despite her head being angled away, he could see her lips part with appreciative sighs after every sip or bite, cheeks growing a warmer shade of pink as she worked through two bottles on her own. She laid her hands against her stomach after finishing the ramen and smiled at him contently, eyes closed in case he wasn't done himself.
"I can die happy now," her speech was slightly slurred ; with satisfaction, intoxication, or a little of both he wasn't quite sure. Hanae paid for the meal, tipping generously, and bid Teuchi goodbye as Kakashi led her back in the direction of home, While still stable on her feet, she was slower than before and giggling at everything he said.
"You're drunk," he chided while she fumbled with the keys for Gishi's door.
"I'm not, I promise." The point was proven void as she stumbled over her own foot, holding onto the glass door for support. "Okay, but in my defense warm sake is one of my favorite things ever."
Kakashi, a more experienced drinker, led her up the stairs with his hand held against the small of her back. "How old are you again?"
"Twenty-six," she announced more enthusiastically than necessary.
"You drink like a teenager."
Hanae puffed her cheeks at the man as he guided her to lean against the kitchen island. "And how old are you?"
"Thirty," he answered simply.
Her expression changed from combative to wonderment. "We have a good age gap. Maybe we should get married."
Kakashi flushed beneath his mask at her forwardness. He knew she thought of marriage and motherhood, but the idea never crossed his mind that she might consider him to be a worthy husband. Would he be? Could he be? It had to be the alcohol talking, he convinced himself pushing the thought of possibility and tugging at his heart out of his mind. "I'll consider it," he replied with an even tone. "But before that you should get to bed. We both have an early start tomorrow."
Her smile fell slightly. "You're right," she murmured to the floor before looking back up at him. "I hope everything goes well with your team. Take care of yourself and remember to come visit me every once in a while." He nodded, not exactly wanting to leave. Suddenly she held her arms open to him. "Since I don't know when I'll see you again, can I get that hug you offered last time?"
The jounin mended his brow, hands not moving from their place in his pockets. "You say that like I'm going to die."
"Don't say that!" The woman gasped, brown eyes widening. "We can't get married if you die."
With a hidden smile of his own, Kakashi moved forward, wrapping his arms loosely around her shoulders. Hanae wound her arms around his waist and laid her head into his flak jacket. He could feel her hands splayed against his back, fingers pressed between his shoulder blades. He raised his right arm and carded his fingers through her wavy burgundy locks, unintentionally pushing her head closer to his chest.
She hummed from under his chin, pressed between him and the counter, feeling his chest expand with every breath. "Don't forget about me." The plea would have been too quiet for someone without trained ears.
"Trust me, I couldn't if I tried." He had broken his rule. He had gotten too close. But with the scent of earth, tobacco, and sake dancing around his nose, Kakashi decided giving it a chance couldn't be so bad.

Roman d'amourHanae is a farmer, a joyful and simple woman who enjoys everything she comes into contact with. She is lucky and blooming with adoration. Kakashi is a shinobi, a skilled and troubled man who carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. He is un...