Chapter 10: The First Shift~

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(Kuza's P.O.V.~)

After the sun went down, Ricky and Michael went outside for the first shift of the night, and I was talking to Ashley. She said "Mike, just relax...They're gonna be okay." I sighed and said "Ash, she means everything to me...It would kill me if I lost her. I was planning to kill her when she was a child...A child for Christ's sake." She said "But you didn't...Because that's when you fell for her. She loves you, Mike...We can all see it. She still loves you even though you transformed in front of her...If that's not love, then I'm fucking stupid." I smiled a little and said "Yeah...I just wanna kill the son of a bitch and take her away from here." She nodded and said "It'll all be over soon, and you won't have to worry about her safety like that, ever again." I nodded and said "Thanks Ash...You always have the right things to say." She smiled and said "Anytime, I'll be outside." I nodded and said "Be careful." Before she walked off.

I sighed and sat there, thinking. I thought about what happened at school, I thought about Lydia and her grandmother...When I got thrown out of Heaven. I just had a lot to think about. I swear if Satan lays a hand on her, he better pray he's dead. Demons aren't supposed to love. We're not supposed to feel. Our purpose is to serve the orders of Satan and persuade sin to happen. I kind of have to thank Satan for sending me out there that day. Because if he hadn't, I would've never met the love of my life.

I stood up and decided to go check up on Lydia. I knocked on her door and heard a faint "Come in." From the other side. I opened the door and saw her on her bed, sitting up criss crossed, with a book in her hand. She looked up and smiled. She said "Hey." I smiled back and said "Hey. We got the first shift going so I figured, why not hang out with you for 3 hours." She smiled and said "Aww, how sweet. Come on in, sit with me." I smiled and sat down next to her on her bed.

(Lydia's P.O.V.~)

I felt the bed dip under his weight as he sat down next to me. He sighed and laid back, propping himself up on his elbow. He asked "Whatcha reading?" I shrugged and said "Just some Greek Mythology, that's all." He nodded and said "Cool...Are you reading anything on Hades?" He asked, with humor in his voice. I chuckled and said "Maybe." He shook his head and sighed. He asked "Ever heard of the story of Orpheus and Eurydice?"

I shook my head and said "No, why?" He said "It's a rather sad story, that has to do with Hades...But I don't think you'd like it." I moved over and said "No, go ahead, I wanna hear it." He nodded and said "Okay." He sighed and looked up at me. He said "Orpheus was a young musician who was the son of a muse named Calliope and the Olympian God, Apollo. His mother gave him the gift of music, his father teaching him the Lyre and his mother giving him a beautiful voice. And with his talents, nothing and no one could resist him. One day, he was walking along, singing and playing his lyre to the trees and the wild beasts of the wilderness. When he met a young Nymph named Eurydice.

Orpheus was in love with her, and legend says she was the only one who could've resisted his beautiful melodies. They fell in love and got married. Soon after their wedding, Eurydice was frolicking trough a meadow, where she tripped and fell into a nest of vipers. One of the Vipers bit her and the poison killed her. Orpheus' found out about her death and it broke him. He couldn't live without his love. She was his life.."

I felt a tear roll down my cheek, and he he gently brushed it away with his thumb. That's so sad. He lost the love of his life too quickly. I looked back at Mike, motioning for him to continue. He said "He determined to go down to the world of death and try to bring Eurydice back, no matter what it took. After being granted permission from the Gods, The young musician took the fearsome journey to the underworld, to find his wife.

Soon, he found himself face to face with the God of the Underworld...Hades. He demanded that Hades give back his wife and allow them to go home, but Hades refused. So he had a plan...He was going to play a song so beautiful, and so full of sorrow, it would sway even the dark God himself to give his beloved back to him. After playing the song and touching his blackened heart, Hades summoned Eurydice and gave her to back to him, but upon one condition...That he cold not look back at her as she followed him out of the Underworld, until they had reached the upper world and was completely put of the cavern that led down to the world of the dead...Simple as that, right?

So the two passed through the great doors of Hades to the path which would take them out of the darkness, and back to their home above. He knew that she was be just behind him, but he longed to see her and give one glance to make sure. But he restrained himself for doing so.

As they reached above ground, he was so full of joy, he turned around and saw his wife...But it was too soon...She was still in the cavern. Suddenly, he saw arms wrap around his love and she was dragged back into the darkness, forever. He desperately tried to rush after her and follow her down, but he wasn't allowed back in for disobeying Hades' rule. And the Gods would not consent to his entering the world of the dead a second time, while he was still alive.

He was forced to return to the earth alone. Then grieving husband wandered through the wild solitudes of the wilderness, having no comfort except for his lyre. He played and played every day to the rocks, the rivers and the trees, who had become his only companions. But a band of women came upon him one day as he played and slew the gentle musician, tearing him limb from limb. Muses found his lyre and buried along with his limbs in a tomb at the foot of Mount Olympus, and there to this day the some tell stories of hearing the sad melodies of his lyre, and the sounds of Orpheus mourning for his Eurydice."

My jaw dropped. He was so close to having his wife back! Why didn't he just wait a little longer?! I asked "Why didn't he wait?" He said "Because he couldn't trust that she was there...He lost his faith. I mean, Hades is the Devil and the Devil lies...You wanna know why I told you that story?" I swallowed and nodded. He looked down and said "When I was punished for not obeying Satan's order...I thought of that story...I thought about it every day. I thought that you had lost all faith in me when I said I would always be with you...I thought you had given up on me like God did."

I put my finger under my chin and made him look at me. My eyes bored into his and said "I never gave up on you...You were in my thoughts every day that passed...You were all I thought about from the moment I woke up, to the moment I went to sleep. You were in my dreams...I never gave up." He smiled a little and rested his forehead against mine. He closed his eyes and said "I love you." Pressed my lip against his and said "I love you too."

He kissed me back and decided to deepen the kiss. He gently slid the tip of his tongue along my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I slightly parted my lips and he slid his tongue in, and began to explore. I let him have his fun for a moment, until I pushed him down on his back. I giggled and crawled over his lap and straddled his hips. I grabbed a fistful of his shirt and crashed my lips to his. He rested his hands on the small of my back and pulled me closer.

Our lips moved perfectly together, as if made for one another. He slid his hands down to my hips and moved his lips down to my neck. I felt him slightly growl against my skin, sending chills down my spine. He flipped us over until he was on top and went back to my neck. I moved my head to the side to give him more access, and wrapped my arms around his neck. Soon I found myself tugging at his shirt, and he helped pull it off. My hands roamed his toned chest and stomach, and I said "You're so beautiful." He smiled and his lips returned to mine.

Someone cleared their throat, making us break from our private moment. We looked over and saw Ricky and Chris standing there. Ricky looking awkward as usual, while Chris was grinning at us like an idiot. I guess we were so wrapped up in each other, we failed to realize anyone was there. I felt the blush creep to my face as we pulled away from each other, making me miss him instantly. Mike groaned and said "I'm starting to think you guys like watching us make out." Chris chuckled and said "Actually, we came to tell you it's all clear for now. Ash just wanted us to check up on you two. And by the looks of it...Y'all are doing just fine."

Mike rolled his eyes and pulled his shirt back on. He said "Okay, thanks...Bye now." They said bye, and walked out. Mike closed the door behind us and turned to me. "I think I'm gonna have to have a talk with Ash." I giggled and said "Hey, it could've been worse...They could've walked in on us having sex." He smirked and said "Now that is a risk I'd definitely be willing to take." I rolled my eyes and playfully hit him in the arm. He chuckled and pressed his lips to my forehead. He said "You should get some sleep." I nodded and crawled under my sheets. He crawled in behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned around in his arms and rested my head on his chest. I wrapped y arm around him and said "I love you." He kissed the top of my head and said "I love you, too. Sleep tight, my love. I smiled and closed my eyes. I snuggled up against the body of my guardian demon, and drifted into a peaceful sleep.


Sorry guys, this chapter took me forever to write. I learned the story in my English class this year and I love it! Hope you enjoy this chapter :).

My Guardian Demon (Mike Kuza)Where stories live. Discover now