Chapter 2: Am I Crazy?

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Hey guys, so since I got 7 comments for the whole thing, I'm gonna go ahead and do Chapter 2 :). I didn't specifically say which chapter to put the comments on, but thank you guys for commenting and voting :). Leave comments, here's chapter 2 :).


After I finished getting ready, I ate breakfast, said bye to grandma, and walked the 5 block journey to school. When I got outside, the cool autumn air gently brushed my skin, and I sighed. I love Fall. As I walked along the sidewalk to school, I felt a presence behind me. I figured it was just another student on their way, so I just tried to ignore it.

But I could feel it closer and it felt strong. My mind told me not to turn around, but I wanted to know. I turned around, only to be meet by nothing and no one around me. I looked around a little more, but no one was there.

'Great, now you're hearing things.' I said in my mind.

I turned back around and continued to walk. But I could still feel something around me, getting closer and closer. I tried to ignore it, but t was so strong. I didn't turn around, but then I felt air by my ear. I stopped dead in my tracks and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.


That's when my heart stopped...It was him.

I slowly turned around, but no one was there. Okay, I'm officially freaked out now. I made it to school and wanted nothing to do with anyone around me, and be alone. I walked through the halls, avoiding the glares and snickers of everyone. I walked into the girls bathroom and stood at one of the sinks. I gripped the counter and looked into the mirror. I said "Get a grip, Lydia...He's not real...He's not real."

Then I felt someone's breath hit my neck and I stiffened. They leaned into my ear and whispered "But I am real, Lydia...I'm very real." I looked up and saw a man standing behind me. He had long black hair that rested at his shoulders, very pale skin, and multiple lips and nose piercings. And I noticed his eyebrows were drawn on and the gauges in his ears we're very large.

He was dressed in all black but the thing I noticed most about him, were his eyes. Those eyes are far too familiar. When I turned around, he was gone. I looked back at he mirror and he wasn't there. I sighed and said "You're going insane, Lydia...You're officially losing it."

I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the bathroom. I just wanted to be alone but when I rounded a corner, I bumped into someone. It was one of the platinum blond, super preppy, cheerleaders. I didn't know her name, but she knew me. She said "Eww, get away from me, Witch. I don't wanna Hex put on me." Wrinkling her nose in disgust. I rolled my eyes and walked away.

I heard some laughter a few feet away and saw a group standing together, near a set of doors. There were 6 of them. And I knew they didn't belong here, but they didn't care. I don't belong here. There were 4 boys and 2 girls. Both of the girls were pale. One had long hair that was half black, half blood red, and the other girl had long white hair. Both of them were really pretty. All the boys had long black hair and were pale. Two were shorter than the other, and everyone of them wore black.

The girl with white hair looked over at me and I froze. I saw a small smirk appear on her lips, and she turned her attention to one of the boys. She walked over to him and whispered something in his ear. I thought I saw him tense up a little, and her slowly turned around and I gasped. Oh my God...It was him!

His bluish gray eyes locked on me, and my breath hitched. I didn't know what to do. The corner of his mouth raised up in a smirk, and he smiled. I saw the rest of them looking at me with smiles on heir faces. The guy never took his gaze off of me, and he began to step forward. By the first bell rang, cutting him off. I hurried to my first class, still comprehending what the fuck just happened.

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