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Stiles's pov

I saw Jesa take out her wallet to pay for the ice cream but I knew she needed to save every penny she had so she can go to the college we have both been dreaming of. I mean she is 17 with no job and only has me and our band which we called " the breaking point ". It was Jessa the lead singer, me the drummer my brother Justin the bass player and tiny my other brother the guitar player.

Yes I will admit I have liked Jessa ever since middle school, but I was always scared to ruin our friendship because I would rather be friends and love her then not have her at all. But either way I wouldn't be able to tell her anyway because she has this boyfriend named brad and i can't imagine her with anyone else except me. just to watch them kiss and cuddle makes me sick, and for what!?! so he could get in her pants like every other boy has done!. but I just can't see her hurt like that. ever.

"Stiles?" Jesa asked snapping me out of my trance

" Yeah what's up?" I replied with a fake smile.

"Why the hell did you pay for the ice cream?! you paid last time so it was my turn!" she said with a frustrated face.

Gosh she looked so cute when she was pist. ugh I can't even anymore.

" Stiles!!!!" she whispered yelled

" What!!, sorry I ju-"

"Here ya go!! two ice cream cones! " Sean said

He handed us the ice cream. We said our thank you's and left to go back to my house.we ended up not talk to each other until we got back. boy wasn't that the longest 15 minuet walk of my life!

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