Chapter 7

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Jessa's pov

I grabbed the bottle from the black shoe box under my tinny twin size bed know exactly where it was but my eyes were cloudy and puffy, and red.

I had a bottle of Vodka, wild turkey, a bottle of Tylenol, and about a bottle and a half of tequila. I didn't even have enough energy to get up and grab a cup, so I just grabbed the bottle of Vodka and chugged it. the burning sensation in my throat is what I needed I had felt all the pain and sadness slowly disappear. But yet I never stopped drinking. I wanted to forget about what had happened over the past hour.

I herd someone coming down the hall so I shoved all the alcohol products down my bed but took a good swig of Vodka right before my mother walked in.

"Hey hon" my mother spoke softly.

"What do you want?" I spoke with no emotion in my voice.

I couldn't even look at her but I felt the sadness radiating off of her and it killed me knowing that she had a stupid daughter with a drinking problem and a boyfriend who abuses her every couple days.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay." she spoke with a sympathetic smile.

"Well I'm not of that's what you want and I really just want to be alone with my vod- I mean my...thoughts."

My gosh I almost let it sloping really need to be careful.

Mom gave me a confused look but nodded and walked away. when I herd her walk down the steps I grabbed the shoe box. I set it on my bed and went to my closet to grab my 20 foot long rope. yeah I have a 20 foot long rope don't judge me, anyways I tied the rope on the edge of my bed and threw the rest of the rope down. I grabbed a backpack and threw some clothes in there and some toilet trees I would need, and put the shoe box in. it was a really big backpack. I slipped the bag on and climbed down the window.

I went to the only place that came to mind.

The tree.

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