Ch 19

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Leah-So how exactly did you two meet?

Scott-We went to the same school.I was his alpha.

Liam-He was like a big brother to me.

Leah-And you two?

Theo-Childhood friends.

Liam-We almost died because of you.

Theo-I helped you.

Scott-Shut up you two.

Leah-And the rest of you?

Scott-Derek's uncle who also happens to be Malia's father was the one who bit me.Derek thought me a lot of things but we did go through a lot.Malia was my classmate and so was Lydia.Stiles had a major crush on her.

Leah-Where have you been all this time.And why did you two leave him.

Scott-After know.We've been trying to stay away from everyone.

Liam-And we've been called back by Isaac but we never knew if it was safe to go to the Giant.

Derek-So you guys are Giants?Isaac's Giants?

Austin-Why is it so weird?

Leah-Yeah I told you I'm a Lahey.

Derek-It's not weird.I just thought  don't recruit anyone anymore.

Austin-Well since Isaac's the leader we've been recruiting again.

Lydia-I thought you were the alpha?

Leah-I am.I'm the one who killed Teresa.She summoned the demon upon me.It was revenge.

Malia-Is it possible to have two alphas?

Scott-It is.

Derek-Have you two gone through the soul bonding?

Leah-We have.

Malia-And what's that?

Lydia-The most  dangerous weapon of all.


Zach-This sound more like a suicide mission.

Zach filled up the sprinklers' water supply tanks with gasoline.

Jack-They won't expect something like it.

Zach-That doesn't mean it's not stupid.

Jack-Hey,I didn't think of it.

Zach-Where are the others?

Jack-Dani and Elle are talking to the fighters,Jonah's talking about Leah as usual.Corbyn's probably talking to Christina.

Zach-Jack...this whole could go so wrong.

Jack-I've already said goodbye to my family.Jonah and Corbyn did the same.Dani doesn't want to scare them.

Zach-I'm never going to see them again.

Zach sat down with his back against a wall and Jack slid down beside him.

Zach-Our band went to hell.

Jack laughed.

Jack-We've changed.

Zach sighed.

Zach-What are we doing?We've risked our lives,joined strangers,listened to a girl who doesn't even know her last name,we dropped out of school...and I don't regret any of it.

Jack-Hey Leah is...something.

Zach-If she wasn't around our lives would be...normal...boring.She saved me.I owe her.

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