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At school

Leah's POV

I was standing by my locker when I saw two boys staring at me.I looked down and back to where they were but they were gone.I sighed and turned bacj to my locker.

R-Are you insane

I jumped facing Richelle

L-You gave me a heart attack

R-You left me at the boys house


R-Ugh just start paying attention 

L-Jesus Richelle,chill

R-Whatever see ya in class

I shut my locker and followed her.We did all the stupid work and finally  got to lunch time.

I sat at the same table I always do and soon everyone found me.

Ja-Hi Cutie

L-Hi guys and girls

Jo-What's wrong


Jo-You look different

L-Okay listen.We know we have vampires around.But we didn't find any.This morning I saw two guys

C-Great there is like 200 guys in this school

L-They aren't from here.I've never seen them before

Z-Maybe they're new

L-No I smelled them.Just like you.

Z-So they are like us

L-Yes.Guys...why did you come here

Z-We were hungry

L-No.Why did you come here,to this city.This school.

Z-To work on music

L-Don't lie.You were sent here by someone.Just like those two guys.Who sent you here

Ja-What are you talking about

L-Someone is  sending creatures like us to this school.For a reason.To fight.Gather an army.

La-Maybe it's coincidence

L-No way

D-Leah I assure you we weren't sent here.But we did know about vampire danger.Still we had no idea you were here

L-How can I trust you

Z-I guess you can't.You just have to

Jo-Please choose the right thing

Ja-you are all important

They got up and walked away

L-Ugh life was so easy before them

R-Myb but it was hella boring

After school

I got called to the principals office for I don't even know what reason.I walked in and closed the door.The lights were out and when they turned on the principal was there with the two boys from earlier.


Je-Hay Leah

L-Hi mr.Jensen.Why did you call me

Je-Listen Leah

The two boys walked to me and held my arms so I couldn't move.

Je-We know what you are Leah.And Richelle.The boys.

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