~chapter eight~

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Josie's p.o.v:
I shake my head: I can't be having twins there is only one heart beat!
Nurse: it could be premature... but I am not sure... I will get another doctor to come and have a look I won't be long I promise...
I groan: ugh...
the nurse leaves the room and Mikey sits beside me.
Mikey: Josie... 
I slightly tilt my head so I can see him: ummhumm
Mikey: can we talk?
I furrow my brows: what about?
Mikey pauses: us...
I tilt my head: what about us?
Mikey: You know... what's gone on...
I shake my head: no...
Mikey: why not?
I raise my voice slightly: because I don't want to! And also the fact that the doctor could walk in at any moment to tell me if I have two babies inside of me right now! Okay? That's why!
Mikey nods looking down at his hands: sorry for asking...
I roll my eyes: don't do this mike...
Mikey: do what?!
I shake my head: you chose to be here... so don't get mad at me for not answering your...
I get cut off my the door opening and the nurse frantically walking in with a doctor behind her.
Nurse: see doc! Two! But only one heartbeat!
I sit up slightly worried: are they okay?!
The doctor nods and put his hand on my shoulder: I will have a look... everything's okay... calm down... Okay?
I nod and smile at him: yeah...
I calm down and the doctor takes a look at the scan. Before turning to me after a couple of minutes.
Doctor: Miss Beaumont... you are fine and so are BOTH of your babies! Just a little mix up with the heart beat... one is further away and so it is harder to pick up... they are both perfectly healthy!
I smile and sigh in relief: thank god!
Doctor: do you want to know the genders?
I shake my head and then look at Mikey who is sitting in the chair completely zoned out.
I smile: mike... do we want to find out the genders?
Mikey widens his eyes: hum? What?
I giggle: the genders Mike you want to know them?
He nods
Doctor: the little one in the back seems to be a girl... and the front one is definitely a boy... no doubt about that!
My smile grows and Mikey stands up walking towards me.
Mikey: there's two flipping babies in there!
I nod: yeah... two... how...
Mikey interrupts: ....fun!
I smile: fun!
I then turn to the doctor: thanks doc! See you next time!
The doctor nods and leaves me to get ready and leave.
The car ride to the campus is silent. Until Mikey finally pipes up.
Mikey: so...
I nod: yes?
Mikey: what are you gonna tell rye?
I scoff: Mikey we aren't even talking! I can't tell him there is two fucking babies in my stomach! And I can't even tell the possible fathers because jack is sticking by rye and Harvey is in America!
Mikey shakes his head: no he's not! Harv has just got back!
Me: oh... well still pretty much the same situation!
Mikey: this is bullshit!
I roll my eyes: you don't say!
Mikey: you're coming to the house! You are talking to rye and the boys! Face to face! And you are doing it now!
I shake my head: Mikey! No!
It's too late he has already talked to the driver and the gps has been changed to the house address.
I roll my eyes: I fucking hate you!
Mikey: I love you too!
Me: if I die I am blaming you!
Mikey: if you die you can't blame anyone because your dead!
I roll my eyes: you knew what I meant!
Mikey: did I though?!
When we arrive at the house I refuse to get out of the car.
Me: I'm not doing it!
Mikey: Josie! Come on!
I shake my head: no! Not happening!
Mikey: Josie! Move!
Me: not today!!
I try to shuffle back into the car seat.
Mikey: get your lazy ass out of the car now!
Me: you can't make me!
I hear footsteps and then a muffled voice saying: Mike whose in the car?
It's rye! Fuck it's rye! Shit!
Mikey: don't be mad at me?
Rye: depends who it is?
I refuse to move.
Mikey: so... you haven't talked to your sister in ages! So I brought her to you!
I hear rye starting to walk away and Mikey grab him pulling him back.
Rye: she can stay in the car!
I roll my eyes: I was planning on it!
I then look at Mikey: told you he wouldn't want to speak to me! Because I am a prick who he hates! Now... taxi man can you take me home?
Mikey looks at the driver: don't!
The car doesn't move.
Rye: she's not coming into the house!
I loose it at that: no rye it's fine just leave your heavily pregnant sister out in the drive way in the middle of winter and freeze your niece and nephew to death! Because that will get rid of all your problems! And then you can forget what a let down I am until I fuck up again and you leave me! Yet again and wait until I come and try to apologise... end up failing having a massive melt down and then leaving!
Rye pauses: niece and nephew?
I roll my eyes: yes! Now I should really get going because I am not in the right attire to be stood out in the cold all night and I don't think the taxi driver will stay here much longer!
Rye: niece and nephew? There's two?
I nod: no I just like to confuse you!
Rye: I'm an uncle too two babies?
I shake my head: I would rather you not be! Anyone else would be much better! Is Robbie here I need to talk to him actually!?
Rye shakes his head: why?
Me: humm... I have no idea maybe because he is the only older brother that is actually helping me at this moment in time! I need to tell him the news!
I get out of the car to see Elvis and Robbie walking round the corner.
Robbie: sis?
He turns around and smiles before running up to me and slowly hugging me.
Robbie: how's my little sister?
I tilt my head: I could be a lot better not gonna lie!
Robbie: why? What's up! You had an appointment today! And I wasn't there! Shit!
I roll my eyes: Robbie it's fine! But I have news...
I get interrupted by rye muttering: she's having twins... what?
Robbie over hears: your having twins! What are the genders! Mum is going to be so happy!
I smile: well at least three of us are!
Robbie looks at rye: still not talking?
I shake my head: we like to tear each other down... him more then me I just come back with come backs that lower my self esteem...
Robbie: RYE! ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING! You have a sister that is pregnant and your annoyed at her because she didn't tell you! And the father could be one of your friends! Your selfish! You know that right!
Rye scowls: I am not!
Mikey: you kinda are...
Rye: shut the fuck up!
I roll my eyes: he isn't going to apologise... there is no use trying! Anyway I need to go home now before my dorm mates lock me out again!
Rye looks at the ground and mumbles: or you could stay here a guess...
I tilt my head: I'm sorry what?
Rye: I SAID! You could stay here I guess...
I smile: thanks rye...
Rye looks at me: do you forgive me?
Me: for what?
Rye: being a dick and being a horrible brother...
I smile: I guess I have too...
Rye stands there awkwardly so I walk up to him and hug him tightly.
Rye: I'm sorry...
Me: it's okay...
Rye: I missed you... I guess
I roll my eyes still hugging him: same goes...

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