Skate park

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Same Day Still day time.



Roc walked in, and I stood up quickly. "Hey, Jac-" "I don't wanna be with you anymore." I said sternly. I stood up straight, with no tears coming out my eyes, no shaking, nothing. I was feeling confident. "what the fuck are you talking about?" He asked me. I fet the tears come... not because I was nervous, even though I was starting to be, but because the look of hurt that was written all over his face. "Well you Ain't gone' have anywhere to live." He said, looking me dead in the eyes. "I don't care... you could even drop me off in the middle of nowhere, as long as I'm away from you."let's go then." He said, harshly.

""Really Jacob?" He asked, as I ran towards  the huge field. "Leave me alone Chresanto!" I yelled, as I kept running. I sat down in the grass to catch my breath, and started crying. I was overreacting. I slowly got up, and ran back to him. Kissing him. He leaned against the car, and cupped my ass. When we finished kissing, he sat in the passengers seat of the car so that we could finish what we had started.

He lifted my shirt over my head, and we made out a little more. "Chres." I said, stopping him from going any further. "What?" He asked, looking up at me with his beautiful eyes. "I-I love you." I said. Looking him in the eyes. He grabbed my chin, and tilted it toward his face. "I love you too." He whispered.

When we got home, we lied in the bed, holding hands and talking about memories together. We didn't have our lights on, but we had a few candles lit. It was a romantic mood. Plus I wanted him, and I know he wanted me. He sat up, letting go if my hand and looked at me. I sat up also. "Jacob." He said, grabbing my waist and lifting me into his lap. I looked at his face, wich looked nice in the candlelight. "Yes?" I whispered. "I never tell you, but I love you so much. You are my everything." He said lowly, making me smile big. "I love you too Roc." I said, kissing his forehead. He kissed my chest, and then looked up at me, kissing my lips.

"I'm bored." I said, laughing because I broke the mood. He laughed also. "Well... What do you wanna do today?" He asked. "hmmm I really don't know." I said. "We don't have money to do anything." I said lowly. "Remember when I used to skateboard?" He asked me. I smiled. "Yeah" "Well we can go to the skating park. I have a few skateboards in storage." He said smiling, lying down next to me. "Yea!" I said excitedly,and sat up. "In gonna go and get dressed!" I yelled running to the dresser and finding some clothes as he did the same.

When we got to the skating park, there was a big group of people on skateboards. Of course me being me I didn't know what to do. Roc climbed up the stairs, and went on the top of one. "This is how you do it, ok?" He asked. But I got worried. "Roc, your gonna get hurt!" I said, panicking. All the other people laughed at me. "I don't think any things funny!" I yelled. "Prince, calm down. Watch." He said, before pushing off and going all the way down. "Oh! That looks fun!" I said grabbing the skateboard and going all the way to the top. Instead of standing on it, I took the safe way, and sat on it. I went all the way down with my heads up in the air, screaming from excitement. When I got to the bottom, I stood up, and laughed at myself. Roc laughed at me. "Want me to teach you how to balance yourself on this?" He asked me. I nodded my head and grabbed the skateboard. "Ok, stand on it with two feet." He instructed. I stood on it, and he pulled me all around the park. Of course I ended up falling, but it was fun. Roc decided to do the same thing I did, wich was sit on it. When he came down, I jumped on him, making him fall back and kissed him. He got up, picked me up, and spun me around kissing me. I had so much fun.

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