Chap 5. Friends? //flashback//

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As we rode down the center of town, back to the castle I started to get curious about the letter.

"Hey...ah- stan could you read me one of those letters please," i asked.

"Yes sir," he said reaching into one of the bags on the side of sparky.

"Dear Gerald this is a direct letter to you and your kingdom. We demanded you give us half of your belongs, once a month. Now I know it might seem hard to get through into your tiny Jewish elf brain, but my men seem to know you, so we have been killing them. Because we're killing our men for knowing you, I want half your shit.

I also know about your kid's friend, the barbarian, he's a prick and I assume he's going to kill a couple of my men when they bring you this letter to you. The letters all say the same thing.

Your shit once a month. If you chose to ignore this for up to a year there will be consequences.


Cartman." stan reads out.

I was speechless. And kinda scared. I mean I know he's only 14 but he's taken over his mother spot of royalty already and runs his own town.

"Are you ok my lord?" stan asked with a confused look.

"I'm fine," I say stoned-faced.

"No your not." stan says kinda mad.

"Excuse me. I think I know how I feel-" stan cut me off

"Then why won't you talk to me. I'm supposed to know everything about you and you won't let me get close to you. Every day you distance your self from me right before you actually want to hang out with me or do something fun. You won't let yourself have a friend." he says concerned.

"I dont need friends," I say harshly.

"We both know that's not true. Your parents hired me as your bodyguard and friend. It doesn't help that the person I hang out with 24/7 doesn't like me. Or doesn't want to like me." stan says hurt.

"Well... I dont want what happened last time... to happen again." I say looking away from stan my face red from saddness.

"Kyle... things happen for a reason... it doesn't mean you can't allow yourself to have friends... your 14 and you do half of the work of being a king for your parents cause its training or something." stan says. He's right and I know that.

"I-i just dont want what happened to Craig to happen to you... you're sweet... and nice and I dont want you to die and I dont want to feel that pain again. And-and you never let your emotion get the best of you. I mean aren't you sad about what just happened a couple months ago." I asked my face red and a couple tears stream down my cheeks.

"...yes... I'm very sad about that... I loved them very much so, but I would rather have a friend than be alone mourning on my own." stan says with a soft smile on his face.

"I guess your right... I guess I should tell you a little bit more about me...we do have around 10 minutes before we get back to the castle." I smile looking down at him wiping my tears.

"I would love that." stan says softly

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