Chap 6. race //flashback//

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stans pov

By the time we had arrived at the castle, I almost new everything about Kyle and him about me. I was a little more personal but its whatever.

I know he doesn't like bananas and his favorite color is green just like his hat. I would consider us friends by now.

I know I like him too. Like more than friends? I've been here for around a week, no way have I had fallen for him. Maybe... I dont know. I am still in love with my girlfriend...but I haven't seen her for almost two months. I honestly dont know what wrong with me. My thoughts are too much for my head. One thing I do know is...

"My lord I vow to be your best friend and always be there when you need me, "I say with a smile.

"Thank you stan," he said with a slight blush across his face... which made me blush...kinda awkward.

"Well, I think I'm going to deliver these letters to my dad. Can you ask the chef for 'pack 4' Please." Kyle asks jumping off his horse and tieing him down.

"Sure. sparky sit. Sparky stay." I say walking into the castle and taking a left towards the kitchen. In no time I was there, there but what the hell is a pack 4?

"Hello Stanly." the chef says.

"Hi chef," I say back happily.

"So what can I do for you?" he asks.

"Well Kyle would like a pack 4," I say kinda confused. While chef grabbed a basket and starts packing food in it.

"So you guys are going to see tweek?" chief asks.

"I'm not sure who tweek is sir," I say back.

"He's the barbarian that lives in the woods." chef answers.

"Oh... um, I dont know? Why?" I ask.

"Well, a 'pack 4' stands for 'about a weeks worth of food that is customized to tweeks liking'. So I would assume you guys are going to deliver this to him. Right now would be a good time to check in on him... I know I wouldn't want to be alone out in the woods after a tragic death." chief answers. While packing 3 bags of ground coffee beans?

"Well, I guess we are then... who did...tweek...lose exactly?" I ask still confuse.

"Oh, his name was Craig." chef answers.

"I know Craig was kyles guardian before me, but how was he important to tweek? Iv heard a lot about tweek being very mad or sad for some reason," I ask chief.

"Well for starters." chef said leaning against the counter. "His parents were killed by cartman's men when he was very you young and his parent knew it was coming so they hid him in the woods. He grew up in the woods alone. Raised by himself. I still dont know how a four-year-old survived out there for this long.

Kids got problems, he twitches and shakes it horrible for a kid." chef says.

"So how does he know Craig?" I ask again.

"around the age of 7 when cartman traded Craig with some elves for money, he ran away but he didn't want to be at cartman's kingdom either... so he lived in the woods where he met tweek. They were best friends for as long as I can remeber...untill they started dating." chef said making sure he packed everything correctly.

"So they were boyfriends?" I asked.

"Yes, for 5 years. Tweek had nobody and then he had, what he thought was the love of his life... and now Craig is gone." chef answered sadly. "I think this is everything. Please tell him I wish him the best." chef says.

"Yes sir," I say taking the basket and going towards sparky and kyles horse's post. When I get to the door Kyle is just a couple of feet down the main hallway. When he sees me he started to run a little.

"Hey did you get pack 4?" he asks while I open the door for him.

"Yes, I didn't know that barbarian had it so...bad," I say softly.

"Yes, I suppose he does have it pretty rough." Kyle answers while I help him onto his horse.

"So how do you know tweek?" Kyle asks. "Seems like you were pretty clueless to his background."

"well......Right after...everything happen, the guards came after me and I ran out the back into the yard and jumped on sparky. I didn't care where we went as long as we were fine. I also didn't see where we were going... I was too busy crying... all I know is sparky ran until he couldn't and we ended up about 7 miles into the woods. While spraky rested. I paced around thinking about what could have happened and that's when I first saw him. A blob of light yellow flashing through the treetops.

I spun in a circle trying to see what it was, then he was gone. Next thing I knew there was an arrow through my upper arm. I started to run in fear and he jumped on me tackling me to the ground. Clyde was right. He's very skinny. I dont know how he brought me to the ground. He sat on my upper stomach with his knees on my arms, I couldn't get out from underneath him.

He asked me to state my purpose for being in the woods. He was pissed. I told him that cartman's men had just killed my parents while I cried. He didn't seem as mad, but he didn't become any nicer to me. He put one hand on my arm and ripped out the arrow. It hurt like a bitch, but its better than being dead. He seemed very distant towards me and showed me back to the path that leads to the elves kingdom." I tell Kyle my story.

kyle processes what I said.

"You said he was like really skinny? Right.?" Kyle asks again.

"Yes," I answer

"Well if you were 7 miles into the woods and off the path and you were walking with him, you must have walked for around 30 minutes meaning. you must have gotten a good look at him. Correct?" he asks.

"Yes-" "describe him," Kyle says cutting me off.

"He is very skinny, has pale, umm... he twitches like he in pain and he has horrible dark circles and tear-stained cheeks. His eyes are pretty red and he got lots of cut and bruises." I answer.

"Were?" Kyle asks.

"There were a lot of cuts on his stomach...and arms," I answer. Kyle starts to go pale. "And there are bruises on his face and some are scattered all around his body usually a smaller cut in the center of them... but not like the one on his stomach or arms," I answer. Kyle still looks worried but calms himself.

"Umm how about I race you to the woods," Kyle says trying to change the subject.

"umm, what about tweek, dont you want to keep talking about him?" I asked confused about why we're ending this conversation.

"...because...I'm worried for him...and I dont want to think about it until I see him with my own eyes. he hasn't looked like that since before he met Craig..." kyle answeres. 

"ok...Sure why not...i bet your trust in me that I win, "I say with a small smile.

"And I bet your loyalty and friendship toward me," Kyle says with a competitive grin.

"You're on. SPARKY GO!" I scream pointing my finger in front of us. Sparky takes off, but Kyle speeds up right behind up. Were almost neck and neck now but somehow Kyle speeds up more beating me to the woods. We stop by the entrance before going in.

"Well, I guess I owe you all of my friendship and loyalty," I say smiling. 

"Yes you do," Kyle says happy about winning.

"It's not like you didn't already have it, "I say softly while we venture into the woods.

"I know and hopefully you know I completely trust you," Kyle says.

"Of course," I say. He blushes...and I'm falling...for him."

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