Chap 7. Barbarian //flashback//

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Kyles pov

I dont know what it is about stan... but he makes me feel happy and he's really nice to me. Iv only knew him for a week... a week in a half maybe... and he treats me different from how Craig treated me. Craigs always been a distant person but stan he wants to know me and he doesn't want to leave me in the dark. He makes me...blush and go all red...and I dont hate it...

"What are you thinking about." stan asked.

"You..." I say and stan goes red.

"Oh?...why?" he asks.

"I was thinking about how you've only been here for about a week and... and your ok and your not sad or anything," I say lieing.

"It's not easy, but I've made peace with it." stan says. He seems fine. There's no hurt in his eyes.

"" I ask.

"I know I can't bring them back and they would have wanted me to achieve better things. So I worked my way up to where I am now." stan says softly.

"I'm sorry," I say quietly.

"Its...okay... I know that I'm still angry about what happened, but I know there will come a day when I think about them and I dont feel any of those emotions and all I feel is love." stan says.

"Your a very nice first friend to have Kyle and I know one day you will be an amazing king." stan says and I can't help but go red.

He has good advice and Iv made up my mind about stan... has special and I will never let him go.

"Thank you, I hope I can live up to your quote about me someday," I answer.

"You already have." stan says.

The path has seemed to come to an end. This is where tweek would usually attack but I dont see him or hear him... "I dont see him." stan says.

"Me either, I think he's at his house. Follow me." I take a left and head straight following the river that divides the 'downhill woods and 'cartman woods.'

"His house should be...right...around...there, "I say pointing to a small shack that sat next to the river about half a mile left into the woods. We ride a little fast towards the shack. Once we approach it I jester for stan to slow down and I do the same. I wouldn't want tweek to have a heart attack. We tie off our...animals and stan holds the basket. I knock on his door and I hear him scream from the other side.

"Ah!...WhoIsItAndStateYourPurpose!" tweek says all I once, stan a little confused.

"Its kyle, iv brought you some food and I would like to talk to you, "I say in a soft voice with a smile.

"...ok." tweek says in a shaky voice. He walks to his door and I here about 7 locks become unlocked. He cracks the door open and peeks through, before quickly opening the door to let me in.

"Tweek this is stan, you tackled him about a month and a half ago, "I say walking in his house. It was small, but he kept it clean.

"Oh...u-um yes-s I r-rember.." tweek says shakily.

Everyone was right. tweek was very skinny and he had been harming himself again.

Tweek took the basket from stan and sat it down on a small table. He began to start making a fire while I sat down on a chair and stan stood behind me.

"S-so what b-brings t-you out h-here?" tweeks asks, successfully starting a fire. He put a pot of water over it and started to purify it.

"your health..." I say causing tweek to freeze up. "..."oh...i-im f-fine." tweek says.

"Mmmm... so why are you so skinny?" I ask him. He sits down in a chair across from me.

"I know food, is not a problem for you... your very smart and I know you can you hunt...i know you know that you're allowed to walk into town and get food whenever you want."

He doesn't answer. "I know you're not fine to tweek, "I say and tears well up in his eyes.

"Its...its been hard," he says not stuttering. He also doesn't let himself cry.

"I know it has tweek..." I say grabbing his hand. And he shuts his eyes letting tears fall.

"It won't be easy for a while..." I say and he shakes his head yes.

"But, this is not ok," I say tightening my grip on his hand and flipping his wrist up. Exsopsing cuts. new and old cuts on his wrist that led down his arm. He froze again. I stood up letting go of his hand.

"Tweek, stand up." he does as he's told and looks down.

"Do you think... this is a good coping skill... to cut yourself- to starve yourself?" I say whispering angerly, getting all up in his face.

"" tweek answers. I wrapped my arms around his thin frame and hug him. He hesitantly doses the same.

"You know...and I know...that...that he wouldn't want this," I say softly. Tweek starts crying at the mention of 'he' and his grip became tighter.

"No..., " tweeks says stepping back with tears on his cheeks. "he would be pissed." tweek says slightly laughing, but still crying.

I laughed too. "him and his short temper."

I took notice of his twitching. I walk over to the basket pulling out one of the bags of ground coffee beans.

"Chef packed you a couple extra bags," I say with a smile.

"And he wishes you the best." stan says.

"M-man I h-haven't seen-n him-mi-in a long-ng time." tweek stutters. While getting a hot cup of water and making some coffee. He hands me and stan one.

"Watch this tweek." I say pointing to stan. He looks at the dark mixture confuse before trying some and immediately regretted it.

"Ugh what is that!?" stan asked putting his cup on a table.

I and tweek both laughed. "I-is that y-your f-first ti-time drinking, c-coffee?" tweek askes stan.

"Coffee?" stan asked, "that's what that's called?"

"Yes stan, here try mine." mine had creamer and sugar in it. Stan hesitant, but tried it.

"This... this is so much better." stan said taking another sip.

"I know right." we all laugh. My attention focuses back on tweek.

"Stan get the animals ready," I say. "Yes sir." he walks out of the house while my attention turns back to tweek. He drank all of his coffee and almost all of the stans.

"If you need more coffee, I can get it to you, "I say to him. "Dont hurt yourself anymore," I say.

He shakes his head yes.

"We're still here... you're not alone," I tell him.

"T-thank you, Kyle," he says. I hug him one last time.

"Remeber to eat. Your 5'4 and you'd not need to get any smaller, "I say with a laugh as I head to the door.

"Y-yes 5'4 and c-can take-e out 4 and a half-f sold-der with 1 a-arrow." tweek states.

"Thats the tweek I know, crazily skilled," I state leaving the house, tweek follows.

"T-thank y-you for e-everything." tweek rests on his door frame.

"No problem... see you around more often?" I ask tweek and he shakes his head yes.

"Oh and no more trying to kill stan ok," I say with a smile and he shakes his head laughing. While we turn to leave.

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