Happy birthday, Kael

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Things were quiet. The Time Clock Killer hadn't made another kill in nearly a week. Wolf found no relief at the end of his killing spree. He knew it was a matter of time before he'll kill again.

Sachi, in the meantime, fretted over what birthday gift to get for Kael for his sixteenth birthday. Today was the big day, and she still didn't know what kind of gift to buy for him.

On that matter, Wolf couldn't help her. He had no kids. He had no wife. Not to say that he didn't have a love life. The women he dated couldn't handle a cop's life. He's too consumed with his work to settle down and have a family.

Pushing his thoughts aside, he focused on his goddaughter standing in a men's shop at the mall in a last-ditch effort to find that elusive birthday gift.

She pointed at an expensive bottle of cologne. "What about this?" she said. He shook his head. "No. I don't think boys care too much about that. He may be a game type of kid."

She stomped her foot, frustrated. "You're no help," she groaned.

"I told you I'm not good at this stuff," he said. McCoy agreed to accompany her to the mall since her father could not.

According to Inoue, Lars recently started working an extra shift to pay bills. Doing so meant spending less time with his family.

While in college, Lars majored in engineering. At graduation, he had trouble finding work in his field. He worked odd jobs to make ends meet until taking a job at a candy factory-where he has been working for the past ten years.

After half an hour of searching, Sachi settled on a birthday card with a meaningful poem, a gift card, and a vinyl Beatles anthology album since they are Kael's all-time favorite band.

"I think he'll like the gift," Wolf said trying to cheer her up as they exited the mall. "I hope so," Sachi said.

He walked her to her car. "Be safe and have fun at the party," he said. "I'll stop by your mom's to check on her." "Okay," Sachi said.

Pulling down the sun visor, she checked her appearance in the mirror. She took a nervous breath. "Here goes nothing," she said waving goodbye to McCoy and making her way to Rocky River.

The party was just beginning when she arrived at Kael's house.

In the driveway, she could see one of the obvious gifts that his parents gave him-a new 2019 navy blue Toyota Camry with a red bow wrapped around it. "Nice," Sachi mumbled retrieving the gift box from the passenger seat.

Heading towards the door, she stopped to admire the shiny vehicle then rang the doorbell. Mrs. Adrian opened the door. "Come in, Sachi," she said with an excited smile. "Kael has been waiting for you."

Stepping inside the colonial home, Sachi couldn't help but smile back. The beaming woman's infectious smile has that kind of effect on everyone that she encounters. "Hi, Sachi," Mr. Adrian said waving.

Once again, his parents wore matching attire. This time they wore sky blue dress shirts and black slacks.

"Hi, Sachi," Kael said, greeting her with a warm smile. He looked breathtaking in his blue jean jacket, t-shirt, and jeans. "Hi, Kael," Sachi said blushing. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you," he said grinning.

"I-I got you something," she said.

Just as she held the gift box out for him to take, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it," Mr. Adrian said. "Hello, Callie," he said. "Come in."

Kael frowned. "You invited Callie?" he said. "Of course," his mom said not noticing the irritation on his face. "I thought Ms. Parker was a friend of yours."

Callie stepped inside sporting a smug smirk. "Happy birthday, Kael," she said clasping a gift-wrapped box in her hand. He heaved a heavy sigh.

"The thirst is strong," Sachi muttered under her breath.

"Oh, are you thirsty Ms. Parker?" his mom said. "I can get you a beverage or a glass of water." "I-I'm not thirsty," Callie blanched as his mother disappeared into the kitchen.

Sachi pursed her lips trying to squelch a laugh.

Kael didn't hide his amusement; bowing his head and laughing, his shoulders shaking.

Scowling, Callie extended her middle finger towards Sachi while pretending to fix a stray hair on her head.

"Mom, Dad," Kael blurted. "I want to talk to Sachi alone for a minute. To her surprise, he grabbed her hand.

"Okay, son," Mr. Adrian said. "Your mother is probably lighting the candles on your birthday cake so don't take too long."

"But you didn't open the present I got you," Callie pouted. "I'll open it later," he snapped. The stern look he gave silenced her protests. "C'mon," he said still holding Sachi's hand.

Her heart raced as they jogged up the steps to his bedroom located down the hall.

Their hands still clasped together, he opened the door. They entered his bedroom. He let go of her hand and locked the door. Sachi gulped and licked her lips.

"Okay," he said facing her. "I checked my parent's closet and saw the folder just as you saw it," he said. "Did you open it?" Sachi said. "No," he said. "I left it. Honestly, I don't want to know if I'm adopted or not. My parents have been good to me. They raised and nurtured me. They are my parents. That's good enough for me."

"I understand," Sachi said supportive of his decision. She handed the gift box to him. "Here is your birthday present."

He took it out of her hand and opened it carefully.

First, he read the birthday card and smiled. Next, he took out the gift card. "You can use it anywhere," Sachi said. Biting his lip, he nodded. Finally, he took out the vinyl anthology album. "The Beatles," he said with a wide grin.

He set his presents down on his bed and pulled Sachi in an embrace. "Thank you," he said holding her tight. "This means a lot to me."

"You're welcome," Sachi said overcome with emotion while he held her in his arms. She was sure her heart would jump out of her chest from beating at a rapid pace.

He stepped back from the embrace. "There's one more thing I'd like for my birthday."

"What is it?" She said staring into his sparkling eyes.

He took a breath and walked over to his record player. He pulled out Scout from his stack of records.

Taking the vinyl out of its sleeve, he placed it on the turntable-gently setting the needle onto the record. With a crackle and pop, the song Waves played through the speakers.

Smiling, he looked over at Sachi, staring at him awestruck, and extended his hand. She took his hand. They stood face to face.

With no rhythm, they swayed to the music. Nuzzling against him, Sachi felt her pores prickle as Kael gently brushed his hand against her cheek.

He leaned in until their mouths were a breath apart. Her heartbeat pounding in her ears Sachi fixated her eyes on his lips closing in on hers.

His eyes lingered on her until he closed the distanced between them and pressed his lips against hers. His lips were soft and the kiss gentle.

Caught up in the music swirling around them, he pulled her closer; deepening the kiss. She leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his neck fingering locks of his hair.

At that moment, she didn't want to think. All she wanted to do was to feel. The feeling she felt was overwhelming love.

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