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Later that night, Namjoon can't stop thinking about the little friendly date they had. It's been awhile since he had some fun with a friend. 

He looks like an idiot walking back home smiling, showing his cute dimples. He entered his room carrying Y/N's present for him. He plopped himself on his soft bed, staring at the ceiling.

It is the first. Thinking about something else aside from music.

After that friendly date, Y/N was silent. She can't believe Namjoon did that. She was taken back by his sudden actions, kissing her like that. Her heart beats like crazy as they part ways. Her heart is like a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode.

As soon as she arrived home, she runs to her room and closed her door like someone is chasing her. Her heart doesn't stop from beating. She slowly falls on the floor as the things she bought from the event drops on the floor too.

"Kim Namjoon must be crazy!" she screamed. "Yes! he must be crazy for d-doing that." The heat creeps up to her face, causing her to blush.

"fucking idiot." she whispered to herself. "It was just on the cheek.." she says and caressing her cheek where Namjoon kissed him.


3 days after that happened, Y/N started to avoid Namjoon and he starts to notice this. Whenever he asks her for something, she would avoid her eyecontact on him and making some excuses. One time the crossed paths in the hallway, she panicked and bumped her head on the wall. Namjoon can't help but to laugh at her sillyness.

"Be careful next time, Ahn Y/N." He says and pats her head.

Y/N can't take it anymore. She knows to herself that she has feelings for him. She doesn't want to feel it but her emotions and feelings for him is overflowing. She sat on the bench near their soccer field, sighing.

"That's the 3rd time you sighed."

She got startled and turns her head at the side to the person who just talked out of nowhere.

It was Kim Seokjin.

"Yah, Are you that dumbfounded seeing my handsome face" He winked at her and sat beside her.

"So, what's bothering you?" he asked.

She shook her head. "wah. the last time you were shy to talk to me after you saved me and now you are really talking to me?" she says, raising at her brows at him.

Seokjin scoffed. "Don't flatter yourself. I was just,, scared by your face." he says avoiding her stare. "Although you look cute." he says.

Y/N felt flustered a bit by his sudden compliment. "b-by the way... thank you for saving me that time.. I owe you one." she says while playing the hem of her uniform.

"No problem, I'm like superman right?" he smiled smugly at her.

Y/N made a face. "Look, I know you are Joonie's cousin but Joonie is waaaay different from you." she scrunched up her nose.

"Oh? how so?" Seokjin asked her and it was his turn to raise his brows at her.

"He's cute, intelligent, hmm.. he has cute dimples when he smiles, he smells good.. he is helpful, considerate.. gentle.." she says not noticing she was smiling the whole time as he describes Namjoon infront of his cousin.

Seokjin hummed. "So, you like my cousin?" he asked snickering at her.

Y/N widened her eyes. "N-No! I.. I don't like him! duh!!! he is my only friend and my seatmate! Nothing more!"

"Yah, why so defensive?" Seokjin made a face. "Look, I can help you with my cousin if you want to." he wiggles his eywbrows at her.

Y/N stood up. "S-shut up!" she ran away whilst her heart is racing rapidly again.

Unfortunately, she bumped to someone.

"I'm sorry." she says.

"Ahn Y/N? why were you running?"

She recognized this voice.

She gulped and pursed her lips. "I.. bye!" before she could run away again, Namjoon grabbed her wrists and holding her close.

"Look at me." Namjoon says softly at her.

"wh-what!" she raised her head but she closed her eyes not wanting to look at Namjoon.

"If you don't open your eyes, I'll kiss you on the lips this time." He says in a serious tone.

Y/N opened her eyes immediately, seeing Namjoon staring at her. They were just staring for a moment.

"I know you were avoiding me." Namjoon says and sighed.

"I.. I wasn't." she stuttered and looked away.

"You were. stop avoiding me, Y/N.." He cups her cheek making her to look at him.

"talk to me like you used to. I miss that." he smiles at her showing his cute dimples.

Y/N can't help but to blush.

"O-okay.. but.. can you let me go?" she looks at him shyly.

"Oh, sure." he let go of her wrist. "but I won't let go of you." he pats her head again softly.

I.. I wanna confess.  Y/N thought.



WOW! ITS BEEN 2 YEARS?! I went on hiatus im so so sorry! But i'm back now!! I hope you enjoyed the comeback update :<

I missed you guys!!! AAAAAAA

Also!! for the spelling of "weab" the full word of that is "weaboo

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Also!! for the spelling of "weab" the full word of that is "weaboo." so I call it weab instead of weeb. okay? I know many of you spell it with double e's but i prefer the "weab" spelling since im used to use that word ever since. :)

- Min Lei 💜

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