Dahvie and I walked hand-in-hand into the amusement park. I remembered their Bewitched video, and I realized that this amusement park looked a lot like it. I wasn't going to hurt Dahvie, of course not.
"Race you to Colossus!" I laughed and chased Dahvie through the crowds of people. We got in line, panting and laughing. When it was our turn to get on, Dahvie put one arm across his chest, and bowed. "My lady, you may get on now."
I smiled and got in my seat, and Dahvie followed. We both laughed as the restraints squeezed the life out of us. Throwing our hands up, the rollercoaster descended, spun around upside down, and Dahvie had to hold me down because the restraint slowly got looser, letting me float up into the air.
After 13 other rollercoasters and rides, we went into the giant haunted house. Jumpscares scared me right into Dahvie's muscular arms. We held each other and ran through the haunted house. I started getting claustrophobic as we entered a small tunnel-like structure. "We can head back if you want to, Kally." I stared into Dahvie's loving eyes, and smiled. "No, I'm okay. I don't want you to have to leave the attraction because of me."
"No no, if you need to leave we can. I promise it's okay." Dahvie smiled back, his black lipstick creating an adorable shape to his lips. I couldn't help but to press mine against his. Shock made his eyes grow wide, but he then closed his gorgeous eyes, and tangled his fingers in my hair. Deepening the kiss, I pulled him closer. We pulled apart, and Dahvie giggled lightly as I realized his lipstick was on my lips now. I walked into the tunnel, and like a little kid not wanting to lose his mom, Dahvie took my hand and walked behind me.
When we got out, I gasped for air, hands on my knees and panting like a crazy person. Dahvie patted my back and helped me stand correctly. He was my support. My... Other half is what he seemed to be.
"RAWR!" "BOO!" Mikee-Jayy's cousin- and Jayy Von jumped on us, making us fall over laughing. The dog pile got up and dusted off their clothes.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked as I fixed my hair. "We got bored and decided to dress like girls and come here!" Mikee said, playing with his wig and fake boobs. "Aww and you didn't invite us? I mean, Kally doesn't need it. She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen." Dahvie winked at me, making me blush and look like an idiot. Jayy Von and Mikee shrugged, and ran off. Dahvie smiled at me, and spoke with a sexy tone, "So are you hungry?" I nodded slightly, and Dahvie took my hand, then pulled me out of the park.
He opened his passenger door on his car, and I stepped in. It smelled like hair spray and flowers. Dahvie got in and buckled up. The roar of the engine made me jump, and I guess Dahvie saw, because he laughed a tiny bit.
"Where do you want to go, My Lady?" I giggled, and shrugged. "Wherever you want to, Lord D. Vanity." Dahvie and I laughed the entire way. Dahvie parked in the parking lot of Baci Ristorante; an amazing Italian restaurant near Dahvie and Jayy Von's house. My jaw dropped, and Dahvie's laugh made me realize this wasn't a dream.
"Shall we go inside?" Dahvie got out and opened my door once more. I took his soft hand, and we walked inside. I felt out of place. Everyone here was dressed so fancy, and Dahvie and I were wearing jeans and tank tops. We were seated, and everyone stared at us. I was really NOT expecting Dahvie to get up and say "Hello everyone! I love the way you like to stare at us! Keep doing it and see what happens! Thanks!" I felt my lip quiver, and before I knew it, I was bursting out laughing with Dahvie.
"That was great!" "I know right! The way they just sat there!" We laughed and laughed, until a pretty waitress brought us our dinner. Her name tag read Aria, a name I always wanted. "You're Dahvie Vanity! No fucking way!" Aria said with excitement, nearly dropping everything she was holding. We smiled and introduced ourselves the right way.
"I'm like your biggest fan! Oh my god can I have a picture!" Dahvie chuckled. "Of course!" They took a few pictures, and Dahvie signed stuff for her. A man walked out from the back and scowled at us three. "Ms. Longton get back in your station before I fire your ass! DO YOU HEAR ME!" Aria jumped at the scold, set our food down, and left. A clack on the ground startled me. I looked down to see Aria's phone on the ground, in pieces. Probably from her dropping it.
"Dahvie, look! She dropped her phone... I think it's broken." Dahvie gasped, and picked up the pieces. "Well... It's broken, all right. Don't worry, we'll tell her. We can get her a new one, too! It'll be the latest style, and we can get her new headphones! Oh my fuck! We can give her MERCH! Squeeeee!" Dahvie and I laughed and ate. When we finished, we headed to the front desk.
"Hi can we speak to Aria for a moment?" The front desk guy nodded and walked back into a door that was labeled KITCHEN EMPLOYEES ONLY. I tapped my foot, and I heard Dahvie laugh evilly as he reached for a roll of tape. "Oooh no.. Dahvie what are you doing?" Dahvie wrapped the tape around his head, and made a hilariously adorable face. I fell over, laughing hysterically. Aria walked out and took a step back as she looked at my date and I, both faces taped.
"Uhh... Okay... What do you need?" We untaped ourselves, then Dahvie held out the shards of what used to be a phone. Aria gasped and nearly started crying. "That was the only phone... Mom and Dad will never get me another.... God what am I going to do now!" Dahvie reached out to hug her, and we all hugged in a nice, warm hug.
Aria gave us her address, and we headed home.
We started to think of things we could give her to show we were sorry we got her in trouble.
"Merch!" "A new phone!" "Aaaaaand an exclusive Blood on the Dance Floor t-shirt!!!" We said together. Jayy Von walked in only wearing boxers. Dahvie covered my eyes and I laughed. "Who's Aria?" Jayy Von said as he took the little slip of paper out of Dahvie's pocket. "Oh, we met someone and-" I started and Jayy Von put his hand over my mouth. "I was joking. I honestly don't care," He laughed jokingly "I'm just kidding. Kidding about that kidding. And kidding about that kidding and the other kidding and the other. And the-" Dahvie shushed everyone and beamed.
"Jayy, we need you to help us get some things for our new comrade. Will you join us?" Dahvie bowed to Jayy Von. Jayy couldn't refuse the praise, and immediately said "Of course, bitch! Girl we gotta go now, doe, 'cause Mikelina is coming over again to help me with stuff." Dahvie and I exchanged glances and giggled. "Sounds like a plan!" We said collectively. Dahvie laced his fingers with mine, and we set off in the car to go to the iPhone store. We got her tons of awesome stuff!
iPhone 5c
Exclusive BOTDF Phone Covers & iPad Covers
BOTDF Albums, Epic to Bitchcraft
Four Blood On The Dance Floor Shirts Not Available To Public
Exclusive BOTDF Necklaces
Two Days With Dahvie, Kally, Mikee, and Jayy Von (Choice Of Place)
Signed Posters
Awesome Icky Boo Headphones
Newest iPad Update
"You think she'll like it?" I asked as I watched Jayy Von shift carefully past all the gifts stuffed in the back with him. "Oh hell yeah! She's got to. And if she doesn't like it, or doesn't accept, it'll be okay. We can just give the stuff to charity or something if she doesn't want it." Dahvie replied as he pulled into Aria's steep driveway. The blinds of the top floor's window shifted, and as we walked up to her door, we could hear a thudding noise, Aria was running down the stairs. She flung open the door and hugged all of us so tightly I felt like four bears were squeezing me.
Aria glanced at the boxes Dahvie and Jayy were unloading. "A-are those for m-me?" She asked in a high-pitched voice. We all nodded and she excused herself to the bathroom, where we heard vomit and happy squeals. I helped her clean herself up and we all watched her open the boxes, with her face as happy as a kid on Christmas.
We took her back to our place for games and snacks, and she kept thanking us for our presents. Soon, we all fell asleep on the living room floor while watching The Grudge.
We were awaken by a knock on the door.

Forever In Your Arms (Dahvie Vanity FanFiction <3)
Fiksi PenggemarDahvie Vanity and Jayy Von Monroe taught Kally Smith that life is beautiful, and she should make the most of it. When family tragedies strike Kally at the heart, she decides to graduate from high school, and run away from her home. She smacks into s...