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d e c e m b e r  e i g h t h

in all honesty, brendon hated his job. the boring 9 to 5 was just too... boring. he worked for an unimportant company that did something unimportant, and he was one of the many unimportant employees. he mostly just answered phone calls and emails since he worked in customer service. this probably wasn't the smartest career choice since he has really bad anxiety, he deals with it though.

he wished he could say life got better when he got home, but it didn't. his apartment was small, too small for anyone but brendon. he hated the peeling wallpaper and the old furniture. he hated his small t.v. and his empty fridge. but he saw no point in moving somewhere nicer. why would he? it's just him who has to deal with it, so what's the rush?


josh walked into the record store he worked at. it was 10 am and he wouldn't get off until 6 pm. he loved his job though. he liked his co-workers, his customers, and the discounts he got.

at 10:15 am on the dot he was met with a familiar face, tyler. he would come in everyday with 3 cups of coffee in his hands. he would give one to josh, drink one, and give the third to the raven haired man who came every day at exactly 10:30.

it had become a sort of odd routine. the man would come in every day, at exactly 10:30. tyler would offer him a coffee, the man would say yes, some days he'd buy a record, then he would leave.


as soon as tyler walked through the door he was met with the soft music filling the otherwise quiet shop. he'd never heard the song that was playing, but found himself humming along to the simple tune anyway.

josh was restocking the elvis records since they ran out. he took a small break to chat with tyler while they both sipped their coffees. the shop was empty at the moment and probably wouldn't be busy till around after lunch.

    at exactly 10:30 a man with tired eyes, raven hair, and thick black glasses walked in. neither of them had really talked to the man much, but at this point the relationship was passed the point of just being a regular. the man came in every week day. the man looked up from his shoes to see tyler walking over. "hi" he said handing the man a coffee. "hey" he replied quietly, looking over and giving josh a small smile.

     the man started looking at some records, soon picking one out and walking over to meet josh at the register. "10.67" josh said handing the man back his record, now placed inside a brown bag. the man handed josh the money, with exact change (which was something weird he always did cause josh could totally break a $5 bill or something). "thanks" the man mumbled, grabbing his bag and coffee and leaving the store.

tyler and josh talked for a little while more before tyler left. leaving josh to keep working and tyler to find something to do with his day.


a/n: hi! this would have been posted four days ago but there was a storm so we had no power for two days and no wifi for two extra days. hope you like the chapter though, i tried. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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