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As Ash and Red make it to the cave down at the base of the mountain a mysterious girl with long long blond hair and an over sized fluffy white coat approaches. The girl shivers as the wind blows up snow onto her uncovered face. She wipes off the snow, she lets out a sigh, her breath rises in the cold. 

"Why did she run off here again?" the mysterious girl pouts. "SNOWY WHERE ARE YOU!!!" her shouts echo off the walls for the mountain base. All of a sudden a darn medium sized fox like Pokemon with glowing blue rings runs quickly past her startling  her causing her to fall. The girl looks up to see the creature stop and look at her. "What's an Umbreon doing all the way out here?" she says as she picks herself off the ground. The Umbreon stares at her, wait that's not correct, the Umbreon is starring past her. The girl turns around only to get knocked off her feet again by a MEW. "WAHHHHHH!!" she cries and her body crashes to the ground once more. 

"AHHH i'm so sorry!" The pink cat Pokemon cries out, Mew helps the girl off the ground with psychic.

"Y-you're a MEW!?!" the girl yells out in shock and surprise.

"Yeah yeah yeah I know. But that doesn't matter right now!!!" While mew rants the rest of the Poke-Ash-search-and-rescue team catch up with Jade and Mew.

"Why *huff* did  *huff* we s-stop" Pikachu huffs, out of breath.

"Mew ran into a girl." Jade sighs. 

"HAVE YOU SEEN A BOY OR ANOTHER MEW AROUND HERE!" Mew says forcefully, the worry in her voice clearly showing. She feels like a bad Mom right now, losing her son...again.

"No I have-wait actually...I did see a blue spec fly to the top of the mountain on my way here." the girl responds, bowing a little to the mythical Pokemon.

"REALLY!" Mew shouts out in happiness, "Thank you so much-"

" name is Lillie, i'm guessing you will be heading up the mountain before you go have you seen a Vulpix around here?" Lillie asks.

"What would a fire type be doing in an area like this." Infinity asks the girl.

"Oh no, i'm talking about an Alolan  Vulpix, her name is Snowy, she's my partner." Lillie says fondly.

"I'm sorry we haven't seen a Vulpix."  Latias responds saidly.

"Oh well, if you run into one please ask her to find me at the base of the mountain." Lillie's voice is quite when she realizes she is in the presence of not just one but TWO legendary pokemon.

"Will do, good luck finding her." Mew says politely, calming down a little know knowing where her son is.

"Will do, bye." Lillie responds, bowing again before running off to continue her search.  The rest of the group start to climb the mountain.

"Something wasn't right about that girl." Jade says.

"Like how she could understand all of us?" Riolu adds. Everyone freezes in realization. "What? Don't tell me I killed everyone again?!" 

-----------------------------------------------Back at the Temple-------------------------------------------

"Luna" is searching around in the temple basement, looking for...something.

"WHERE IS IT!!! I know Master said it was her!!!" Luna growled.

"What are you doing down here." Sir Aaron asks, glaring daggers at the Cresselia. He had wondered where Luna had gone to after the others left to search. 

"You know it's rude to ease drop on a gorgeous 'mon, like myself." Luna responds with a smirk.

"You know its rude to tell falsehoods." Lucario who was next to Aaron responds. Luna growls at Lucario, a sound that should not come from a 'mon like  Cresselia. "Master I don't think that this is a Cresselia at all. Luna cackles.

"Well done, you are absolutely correct! 10 points to you!!!!" Luna laughs maniacally. Luna is developed in a red glow reveling her true self...a Zoroark

"A Zoroark, who are you really!?" Aaron shouts at the red fox Pokemon.

"My name is Raven and I work for my his majesty the master of the dark!" Raven laughs darkly.

"And who is the master of the dark?" Lucario questions.

"Like I would want to get on my master's bad side!" Raven lunges to attack both Aaron and Lucario.

------------------To Be Continued-----------------------------------

I HAD SOME FREE TIME FINALLY!!! Sorry It took so long, I really am my life is just sooooo "Crazy". Pun intended. I hope you enjoyed with chapter!!! It's 1:15 am I need sleep. Crazy signing out. PEACE!!!   

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