Let Me Know |3|

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"So who's paying for tonight's dinner," Jimin said eyeing everyone to see who would cave in.

Should I? I mean I have some money saved up and plus I wasn't invited till last minute.

"Come on Park, of course, I'm going to pay, I was the one who invited you guys out to eat."

It was Taehyung.

"I'll help you pay, Tae."

"Nah, I got it" He got up to go to the restroom I'm guessing and Jimin followed behind him. Are they dating? Taehyung doesn't seem to be into Jimin in that way and Jimin doesn't really give me 'gay' vibes but I could be wrong.

"Kookie, did you enjoy your meal?" I nodded and smiled at Hoseok as he snapped me out of my head and back into the restaurant. It was just Hoseok, Yoongi and I sitting at the table. Yoongi didn't seem to be paying much attention to anything other than his phone.

"Hey, Yoongi. If you don't mind me asking. Why are you always on your phone?" Omg, why am I getting into his business? What if he gets defensive, WE'RE ROOMMATES!

"Because I'm trying to get laid, but all these people want a serious relationship and I can't do all that lovey-dovey crap!" OH, so Hoseok and he are definitely not a thing then... "Which reminds me, are you free later tonight Hoseok?" they began to give each other stares where I felt a tension I didn't want to be in between of, so I scooted out of the booth and excused myself quickly making my way to the restroom.

Wow, nevermind, there's definitely something between them...maybe I can ask Hoseok about it later. I began to hear two whispering voices as I neared the restroom, I quickly realized they were Jimin and Taehyung. All throughout dinner, Taehyung had been ignoring me, which I had found a little strange since he had shown a genuine interest in me and thought we could be friends.

"Look Jimin, I don't know what I'm going to do! She won't leave me alone, but I'm totally over her!"

"That's borderline stalking you know," I decided to stop my overhearing of their personal conversation and return to my seat, trying to shake off the slight conversation I had overheard. OMG HOSEOK AND YOONGI ARE KISSING, I'm not surprised, I just wasn't ready to see that!

I cleared my throat as I got near them. "Oh sorry Kookie, Yoongi just can't keep it in his pants half the time!" He began to laugh and Yoongi just looked away. "Oh there comes Jimin and Taehyung"

Taehyung wouldn't even turn to look at me, he took his wallet out and left the money on the table. Won't he need to change back? Does he not care?

"Who wants to head back to the dorms with me," Taehyung asked. I really don't want to third wheel Yoongi and Hoseok and I barely know Jimin...but why isn't Jimin going back with him?

"I'll go." I was beginning to feel tired from the busy day. Plus I had begun to get curious as to why he seemed to ignore me. 

"Bye Bye you guys! Have fun, don't forget curfew! Call if anything!" Taehyung began to make his way in the opposite direction back towards the dorms. The silence between the both of us felt louder than the town around us.

Come on Jungkook, break the awkwardness and just talk to him!

"Um, so Taehyung why'd you transfer from Daegu? Sorry, if you don't mind me asking!" I began to panic immediately after I had asked him. He began to slow down his steps so we were walking at the same speed.

"So basically when I was in Daegu I was in the closet and I dated a bunch of girls. Some were kinda crazy and some were cool but I just never really LIKED any of them. So my parents decided to kind of just send me to a whole new school in a different city so I could 'start over' I guess you could say."

I guess he and I aren't so different after all. We're both just looking for a new beginning.

"So, what do you identify as?"

"Pan? I think but I just haven't found THE ONE" He let out a sigh. We came to a stop at a crossing he turned to look at me in the eyes for the first time this entire night. "What about you Jungkook, are you gay, straight, or somewhere in between?"

WHAT DO I SAY? He's literally starring me down." A green light reflected off him, "Let's go!" I stopped looking at him and began to cross, regardless I still couldn't shake off the feelings he had made me feel inside. I wanted to run away for those feelings.


"Hmm." I tried to not start another conversation with him out of fear he'd ask another PERSONAL question.

"Did you know you have extremely feminine features."

I want the world to swallow me whole right now!

"People have told me." Act calm Jeon Jungkook, he doesn't know your past.

"Jeon Jungkook, has anyone told you how attractive you are?"

Stop giving me mixed signals Kim Taehyung!

"Oh look, there are the dorms! Look I really have to go, I still have to unpack and call my parents. Thank you so much for dinner and all your kindness. See you around Taehyung."

"Just Let Me Know when you want to go on a date alone with me, Jungkook." He winked at me and I ran towards the entrance of the dorms. DID HE JUST CASUALLY ASK ME OUT ON A DATE?!

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