Dream Glow |8|

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Waking up cuddled next to Taehyung wasn't the worst part of my morning, it actually felt like some sort of dream out of a rom-com cliche movie. What ended up happening was that I had slept in until 12 pm. I knew Jimin and Hoseok weren't going to be upset about me missing dance practice but I slightly was.  I turned around to meet almost face to face with Taehyung, he had his leg over me, the sun had come up and there was a glow that was hitting his face making him seem even more unrealistically beautiful. 

"Taehyung..." no reaction came from him. "Taehyung!" He shifted to turn away from me. I'M FREE! BE CAREFUL NOT TO WAKE HIM UP JUNGKOOK! 

I slowly started to make my way off the bed without moving too much. "Jungkookie, where are you going? Are you leaving me already!?"

"But Tae it's already 12 in the afternoon..." Immediately after saying that he got up instantly.

"Oh no, Oh no! I'm GONNA GET FIRED!" He started to rush around his dorm putting on a clean shirt and jeans. "Jungkook, I'm so sorry, you can stay here as long as you want but I have to head out." 

He grabbed his backpack and student ID card, "We're still on for our date at 5!"

He waved bye and headed out the door. Literally what just happened! 

I turned to sit back down on his bed, there was a scent still lingering where he had been sleeping. 

A phone started to sound, text messages started coming in rapid-fire. Omg, he forgot his phone! 

I didn't want to pry.

 Jungkook, maybe he's playing you and he has someone else. 
He doesn't seem like that kind of person! 
YOU just met him a couple of days ago, you don't even know him like that.
Why would he ask me out on a date if so!

His phone began to ring at that point I had to pick up or else it might not have stopped. I looked at the caller ID: Big Boss (PICK UP!)

Based off just the caller ID, I knew better than to decline the call. 

Hello, this is Jeon Jungkook speaking, who am I speaking with. 


I'm sorry, he just left but he forgot to take his phone with him. 


I began to panic, there was no way I could explain to whoever this man was, who I was. 

I'm his roommate. 


The phone call ended before I could say anything, thankfully since I didn't even know how I would respond to that last sentence. I had found out a new piece of information, Taehyung not only worked at the student library but apparently at a restaurant as well...

I got off the bed instantly and began to look around for my stuff, I moved to make Taehyung's bed and leave a note saying Thank you for letting me crash at his place last night and that I left right after he did. 

I headed out of the dorm hall, a different person was at the 'welcome' desk and I just left without a word. I hadn't expected how much the temperature decreased after it had poured last night, thankfully this was way better than humidity or another heatwave. 

As I made my way up to my room, I saw Yoongi coming down the stairs. "How was your night with Taehyung? I bet you guys had a LOOOONG night if you're coming home at 12:30 in the afternoon... GIVE ME ALL THE JUICY DETAILS!" 

I guess he saw my face of nervousness or confusion because right after he said he was just joking around, "I'm playing Jeon...Sorry I mean Jungkook. Taehyung is too much of a sweet dude, he'd never be THAT guy." 

First off, Awe look at Yoongi self-correcting himself after calling me the wrong name, PROGRESS!
Second of all, I guess I was right, Taehyung isn't just another boy, he's actually sweet and cares...maybe it could work out. 

"Earth to Jungkook? Did you ACTUALLY not sleep last night? You should just go to the dorms and sleep but if you have nothing better to do or aren't sleeping, wanna come shopping with me?" 

"Yeah! I'm free until 5 pm." 

"5, Is that your personal curfew or something?"

"No, it's just Taehyung asked me out on a date yesterday morning."

"Oh my god, so you're telling me you slept with Taehyung BEFORE YOU EVEN went on a date with the guy. Is that a Busan thing or just a Jungkook thing?" 

"Excuse me! Am I sensing judgment from you, when literally you were about to start a fight with me yesterday because you thought Hoseok was into ME!?!" 

"Touché, let's get going before you have to be back to the dorms for you little date." 

We walked back downstairs and headed into town towards a shopping mall nearby. 

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