Boy In Luv |9|

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"So, Jungkook," Yoongi started talking again. "Hoseok really cares about you...can I ask why? Not that I'm jealous or anything, I'm just genuinely curious."

"Well, he was one of the first people I came out to when I first got to the school and he truly made me feel like 'one of the guys'. I never had that back in Busan." 

"One of the guys?" that part seemed to of slipped by and I hadn't caught on that it sounded strange for me to have included.

"Yeah, I don't like to label myself as trans, because I want to just feel like one of the guys." I tried to open myself up to being vulnerable around Yoongi. 

"So was that why it bothered you when I would call you Jeon?" 

"Slightly...I mean it has nothing to do with Jeon it's just in Busan everyone would make fun of my female name and it had a bad connotation with Jeon for a long time. But once I left Busan and I arrived here, I made it my goal to embrace my new name as, Jeon Jungkook." 

I saw as Yoongi began to extend his arms out. "Hurry up Jungkook, I don't hug often, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity." He looked away as if that would get me to hug him. 

As much as I disliked physical contact I couldn't resist a hug from the one and only Min Yoongi. I went for it and he finally made me feel comfortable.

"Okay, so what store should we hit up first? Are you gonna buy a new outfit for your date with Taehyung?" I shook my head giving him a confused look.

"Yoongi, if he likes me, he'll like me for the real me plus my luggage finally arrived so I should have more color variety as opposed to just your black outfits." He looked at me like I was crazy but I didn't take it to much to heart. 

"OK, if we aren't shopping for you, we're shopping for me! I want to buy a ring." 

"YOU'RE PROPOSING TO HOSEOK!!" I drew the attention of people nearby with my overreaction. 

"NO CHILL THE FUCK OUT!" he yelled back and dragged me to a nearby sitting area. 

"We've known each other since freshman year and now that we're about to start senior year and we kind of made it 'OFFICIAL' last night and I wanted to get him a promise ring. Plus it's basically like we've dated all of high school with the exception of me SOMETIMES hooking up with SOME people when Hoseok wouldn't give me enough attention, but they never meant anything to me."

"Awe look at you confessing all your feelings, boy you really are in love, okay let's get going." I got up from where I was sitting and extended my hand to get him up. 

He started looking around and we were suddenly entering multiple jewelry stores before coming across one that screamed perfect, 'Beyond This Love'. Upon entering this cute guy greeted us. He looked to be around 20 to 22. 

"Welcome, can I help you find anything, in particular, this evening?" he looked to Yoongi and then to me, he had an undeniably cute smile. 

Yoongi finally said something as he had been looking around at the displays in front of him. "I am looking for..." His voice trailed off "Oh my god! How much is that watch!" As he pointed to a bulky silver watch. That watch is not cute! You have to be kidding me, Yoongi! Plus we aren't here for you!! 

"That one is about $1,250." He is about to open the display to pull it out and show Yoongi but I have to stop him from going the extra mile for Yoongi's dumbassery. 

"You don't have to do that! He's actually looking for a promise ring." His smile doesn't fade and instead signals for us to move to a different display. 

Yoongi looks annoyed that I didn't let him continue looking at the watches. I mumble a quiet "EYES ON THE PRIZE!" and he nudges me as if to signal that he overheard me. 

"Is the ring for you?" He points to look at me and suddenly his eyes are looking at me and before I realize it, I am blushing like crazy because his stare is so intense. 

"Nah, it's for HIS boyfriend! I'm actually quite single! And I'm just helping him shop. I'm his moral support." I laugh awkwardly trying not to look at him again. Omg did I literally just ramble to this cute guy about me being single! Why the hell must you be such a fucking dork! 

"Anyways...Yeah, it's for my boyfriend, I'm looking for a promise ring. Nothing too flashy but also not too subtle." He shows Yoongi a couple of options as I decided to look around the rest of the shop and I see a couple of earrings. My piercing haven't closed up. What if I bought a pair of earrings, there's a bunch of guys that wear earrings...

A girl who also had been standing around waiting for a customer comes up to me, "Is there anything you're looking for specifically?" She looks so cute and I smile at her. 

"Yeah, I guess I'm looking for a small pair of earrings...something subtle." 

"Are these for you? I think I would have the perfect pair." Say they're for your girlfriend! Don't let her know they're for you, she'll think you're weird. I push the thought away as far as possible and nod. She smiles and leads me to a display. I instantly fall in love with them. 

"Oh gosh! They are perfect, how much for those?" 

She pulls them from the display and says, "they would be around $50 but for you, I'll do $25?"

I immediately nod and she brings me up to the register to pay for them. "Thank you so much-" I pause and realize I had never asked what the girl's name was, "Sorry I never got your name, I'm Jeon Jungkook. You did an absolutely amazing job choosing these earrings!" 

"I am so glad! I would like to think I have an eye for jewelry and knowing the customers that come in. I'm Lee Ji-eun, but please just call me IU" She smiles and hands me a small bag with the earrings. 

"Well thank you so much, IU! I am going to go help my indecisive friend pick out a ring now!" I point over to where Yoongi and the guy was. She giggles at the statement and nods. 

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