Chapter 1: Anxiousness and Arousal

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Beastboy POV:

Raven! Yes babe! Please Please Please Don't Stop! (moans and louder moans) Raven........ bed is covered in sweat and my skin is very clammy. Did I make a?.....ahh damn it. I came in my sleep again. This is the 5th time this month and I am not doing laundry again for a while. Well I guess I get up to start my day. I feel that I need to stretch first though. 

(Thinking) Our fight from last night with Cinderblock and Slade definitely bruised me up and tensed my whole body. These guys were unbelievable. Whatever technology Slade was using was not giving us a fair advantage. He somehow made Cinderblock into a more hulking monster than he already was with the addition of having faster reflexes. We were able to bring them down, well not Slade of course because he gets away all the time. 

Starfire summoned up the source of her power to really lay it on Cinderblock while Cyborg and Raven were tending to a unconscious Robin with an arm that's possibly broken. Ahh Robin, the protege of Batman. He is a wonderful leader now-a-days. When we were younger, he really made some decisions that could have end the group's trust in him for good. Those times when he would become Slade's apprentice and Red-X were definitely the times that we as a group questioned his ability to be a leader for months on end. He has became more of his role ever since he made a commitment to not ever betray the group again. He and Starfire are a thing as well. It's been some time since our trip to Tyoko, which probably makes two years. In the beginning, they were on and off. As time progressed, Robin began to realize that Star will always be there for him, no matter what. When he accepted that, their lives together got easier to manage.

As far as Cyborg, He became Cyborg 1 Million. He seems happier now-a-ways and has a wonderful life with Bumblebee. He said that he became this version of himself due to some events that took place way out of our universe, which I'm still trying to wrap my head around all that because I didn't even know that there were other universes with heroes. As far as Bumblebee, They hit it off after the trip to Tyoko. They came to enjoy each other's company and eventually they became a thing. When she was told from Cy that there was a multi-verse battle and he was called on by the Batman from the dark universe to help fight for our universe, she immediately thought he was crazy at first. Later, he showed her to prove that this is real. It took awhile for her to grasp it, but eventually she could do nothing but show him love and hope that he comes back for her. Within some time, he arrived back on earth as a new version of himself. She definitely was not looking for that to happen, but this version is himself attracted her more to him due to his new perspective on life after the multi-verse battle. 

Now Starfire, She has became more calm, but yet still joyous towards Robin ever time they were together. Not much has changed about her except her demeanor and her body. She's grown more into a full figure now. No wonder Robin can't keep his hands off of her.

Now Raven, (heart rate speeds up)..Oh Raven, She is a beautiful woman. I would give her the time of the day because she is definitely deserving. I love how her eyes say so much and her skin is so soft. I accidentally brushed against her one day and I couldn't get myself together afterwards. She has became friendlier to me since I've learned to be more responsible, clean and not as annoying. She would actually sit with me and watch TV for a while, sometimes laughing with me at things she didn't find funny before. I've been wanting to ask her out for the longest time. (Heart rate speeds up a little bit more) I mean, what will she say? How will she react? What if she thinks that I'm too attracted to her?! What if I make things awkward between us after expressing my feelings towards her?! Duuuude!! What I can do?! And to make things worse, I've been dreaming about her all month and not the platonic dreams either. I've messed up 5 pairs of underwear just by dreaming of her.

Not too mention that she has grown more into a full figure as well with still being her same height. It's killing me right now to sit with this feeling and not being able to express it. Damn It! 

(Talking to Himself Mentally) Dude, you've got to calm down man. You will pass out like the last time and remember what happened when you did dude! She could sense that you have something that you were holding back from the group when they asked questions to deduce your reason for fainting. Keep it together man!....

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