Chapter 2: Unknowns and Contemplation

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Raven POV:

(Moaning) Ohh! Beastboy! Mmmmm! (Moaning) Don't Stop Babe! I think I'm gonna...

(Eyes shoot open) (Panting) What is going on? Why am I having this same dream again? It feels so real like he's here doing everything to me, but he's not here. (Touches face) Damn...I'm blushing again. 

(Thinking) Let me check my panties to see if they are dry. (Check panties) And they are not dry. They are soaking wet all over and my legs feel very sticky. That's the 6th pair this week and I just did laundry last Monday. I definitely do not need to buy more underwear right now. I can control this feeling I got for Beastboy. It's just a lack of balance of my emotions. I'll definitely meditate as soon as..

(Love interrupts) A lack of balance? Raven, sweetie, it's more like too much balance if you ask me.

Who is this? Who are you!? You're definitely not passion nor happy, and you're definitely not clumsy nor bravery. I demand to know who is this speaking to me right now.

(Love) Raven, my poor dear, its the emotion that you sealed away for so long because you're afraid that I might destroy everything once I touch that handsome and fine beast. You fear that he will be the key to destroying all that you know with a simple touch from his lips. You feel that urge Raven? That urge to grab him by his hands and pull him in to melt you away with the softness of his lips? It's only me..well part of me. Lust and I have fused together to give you the feeling to caring about someone and have the sensation of wanting a hot and throbbing shaft inside of you.

Love?! Love?! This can't be you talking to me! I have sealed you away permanently! How in the hell did you get free?! And I want answers now!

(Love) Tsk Tsk. I shake my head at you Raven. Here you are demanding answers from me when you already have them in plain sight. You know, for somebody who is very wise, you can also be very naive and oblivious as well. 

Answers in plain sight??....What does she mean by that??

(Love) Raven, you can't be serious. You are definitely overthinking this. Its the guy that you've been dreaming about every night and waking up from with very wet panties. 


(Love) Yes Raven, Beastboy. The guy that we want to go out with and possibly learn alot from. Him. He is the key to my release.

Well then..I need to cut off feelings from him in order to seal you away once more. I can not..

(Love Interrupts) Before you feel to do that Raven, answer me this question and look back into your dream. If our father treated you like a doormat for his portal to earth, what do you think you'll be doing with Beastboy if you seal me back and cut off the feelings you have for him?

Well..I would possibly be able to sleep peacefully once more and not mess up my underwear. I could also tell him that I don't want to be bothered and end any other relationship pursuits that I have. Being with somebody is not in my favor and who would want me? I'm half-demon and half-human for pete sake! Everybody thinks I'm a creep and they don't want to understand me. I'm better off alone, in my room, with nobody.

(Love) Okay Raven, so with that being said, lets play this out right now. If you sealed me off permanently, do you think you could ever be good with somebody that's friends with you?

Yea, I could. I think I would be okay.

(Love) You think you could?

Yes, I certainly do.

(Love) So you just speculate that you can. Not actually being sure that you can?

Love, what is your point here? 

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