Roses are red
Violets are blue
You knew I loved you
But you let me goI changed every part of me
Just to gain your approval
Sad to say for me,
I gained back your sneaky betrayalI put you on a pedestal
Watching every part of your beauty
I knew I could never be like you
I just wanted to be a part of a unrealistic fantasyMy tears streamed my face
I am engulfed by sadness
I say to myself I can go on! Move forward
Our loveless relationship was my worst rewardRoses are red
Violets are blue
I am broken
Shattered by you

the genius of poesy
Poetry"Your life is a tale, your brethren tell your story. You fill in the pages with your alluring words, your mischief and sorrow give life to the verbs" Prose and Poetry that are made by me. Enjoy!