Chapter 4: Drunk On A Feeling

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Chapter 4: Drunk on a feeling

"Those who are heartless, once cared too much."


I stand awkwardly in front of Tyler at four in the morning. His hair is disheveled, eyes slightly unfocused and he's wearing only his boxers.

I shift uncomfortably. "Rats."


"There are rats in my house."

He looks even more dazed. His confusion would be cute if I wasn't freezing cold standing outside his door.

"There are rats in –ʺ

"Yeah, I got that. Why are you here at," he looks at his wrist even though he isn't wearing a watch.

I cross my arms over my chest, suddenly feeling very vulnerable. "I don't want to sleep there."

He sighs, stepping aside and letting me into his house. When I see someone sleeping on his couch, I start to back up but bump into Tyler.

"It's Jamie. Relax."

I look closely and I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm glad it isn't some girl. That would make this even more awkward than it is.

I turn to look at him and notice he's more awake and alert.

"Why is Jamie in your house at four in the morning?"

"It's four in the morning?"

"Yes, four in the morning."

"What's four in the morning?" A sleepy voice asks, and I look towards the couch to see Jamie awake.

"Can we move past what time it is?" I ask irritably. I start to second guess my decision to come here. Maybe it's stepping over the line, given the situation we are currently in.

Tyler eyes dart nervously between me and Jamie. I know he's trying to come up with an excuse as to why I won't be going to sleep in his bed.

"I'll just crash on the other couch," I say easily. It's basically the size of a bed anyway. "I'm not tired and I wouldn't want to keep you up."

He nods, kisses my cheek and darts back to his room.

Grabbing a blanket, I curl up on the couch opposite to Jamie, thinking about how big of a mess we've gotten ourselves into.

"You guys don't need to pretend around me." Jamie says, and I sigh because of course he would figure it out.

"How long have you known?"

"Since the party." He smiles apologetically, "people who are already in a relationship don't usually pine for another the way you two did."

I frown. "Do you think anyone else picked up on it?"

He shrugs. "Jordie, maybe. Not sure about anybody else.

"Great," I mutter.

"I won't say anything." He says but I sigh anyway.

"If you figured it out, more people are bound to now."

All this work and its about to fall apart. I knew agreeing to this was a bad idea, but I let Tyler convince me. I start to worry about what everyone will say when they find out, especially my parents. I don't know if they will be more disappointed that I lied to them or that I'm not actually in a relationship.

It could honestly be the latter knowing them.

The conversation ends between Jamie and me. There's not anything else to say about the situation and before I know it, I've drifted off to sleep.

The Trouble with Faking It / Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now