an emotional ride

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I don't know how to write this. I've barely started writing this and I'm crying. Thank you. So much. I am so grateful for all you support and everything you guys have done for me. This book has caused me stress and love. I put so much time and dedication into this and its finally done. I've made something I'm hella proud of and I cant thank you guys for reading and supporting me. My times have passed where I thought I should just get rid of this book, start over or do other things but with your comments. Likes and reads I continued to write this story and this is the first story I've ever finished. I'm not sure I'll ever go back and edit this. Because this is my first piece ever and if I do it'll take me back to when I started this. When I had the idea of this I was sitting in school my 7th grade year, it was just a idea that I had and I wrote it down on paper. I still have rough drafts and other things. But this was never supposed to get this big. When it started getting popular I was so happy, I had made something people like. Now in my 8th grade year, going through a lot but this story and many other new stories I'm writing helping me through a tough time. I can't thank my ex-bestfriend enough. She introduced me to Riverdale despite me thinking it was stupid. But thank you all so very much and all I have to say is enjoy a little look into Sasha and Archie's future together. Thank you again.
Here's what you've been waiting for the look into the future.

It was three years later, Sasha was 19 years old working a job at her local town diner, her baby Jackson was almost three years old. Time really does fly.
Archie had a scholarship for football at a college not to far from Riverdale, Reggie was also accepted with a football scholarship. Jughead and Betty were staying in Riverdale and studying online, Betty wanting to be a detective and a Jughead a writer. Cheryl and Toni both went into fashion designing while living in Thornhill, famous. They made headlines maybe every other week for their fabulous clothes. Veronica owned a casino/ a speakeasy.
All though everyone was happy, Archie still longed to meet his child and to see Sasha again. Everyone longed to see her again, even if it was just for a minute. Her book was doing great, she was a best selling author but she hadn't even thought of writing another book ever since she left Riverdale.

Sasha walked inside, closing her door behind her. She could hear Jaxson cooing from the next room over.
"Hey welcome home Mamí" her Spanish nanny/mother figure Aledia smiled as Sasha smiled back.
"Hey Aledia. How was Jaxson?" Sasha asked as she threw her bag on the couch, and walked towards the kitchen to get something ready for dinner.
"He was great. Mamí why don't you take a break, sit down, study. Get done what you need to get done and I'll cook dinner for you and Jaxson" Aledia offered as Sasha smiled.
"Thanks Aledia."Sasha said as she walked back to her room to change. She threw off her shirt and the cold metal from the locket bounced off her chest before landing softly back in place. Sasha opened the locket, Archie and Toni were in there. The two people she missed the most. Sasha sighed and threw on some joggers and a tshirt before walking back out. Jaxson was playing on the floor, Aledia was cooking in the kitchen.
"Hey baby." Sasha smiled picking Jaxson up who in response laughed. Sasha walked to the couch and sat down she pulled up her computer. Jaxson played with he locket around her neck.
"You should take Jaxson to see him."Aledia said from the kitchen, Sasha sat Jaxson on the ground.
"I... don't know if that's a good idea. I don't have the money to go back and forth" Sasha said as she looked down. Aledia grabbed Sassha by the shoulders.
"Hey mamí look at me. Who said anything about coming back. We eat dinner get a u-haul pack some things up and we go, tonight" Aledia said as Sasha smiled a bit.
"You'd be willing to leave everything behind for me and Jax?" Sasha asked as Aledia laughed and stirred the noodles she was cooking.
"You're like my daughter Sasha, I'd do anything for you and that baby."  Aledia replied back as Sasha hugged her.
"Thanks Aledia."

Hours later.
Aledia pulled into Riverdale Sasha smiled looking put the window. It was early, maybe around 8am.
"Yeah it's this house here." Sasha said, Aledia pulled into a driveway and Sasha got out. She smiled. She ran up to the door and without knocking the door swung open, a shirtless Archie opened. They embraced in a big hug.
"Jaxson with a X. He's in the car with my Spanish mom Aledia." Sasha smiled.

And now 5 years later Sasha and Archie are married Sasha is working on her third book and alls well in Riverdale.

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