🌊Chapter IV - Port To Ocean, Gold Meets Silver~!🌊

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(YO-HO friends! With Marigold and company now have the young Squire Trelawney's request to obtain a ship but now Marigold must face her own personal problem- her fears with the ocean and above all.... pirates! Will she be able to accompany her companions to the high seas or be left dry on land? I do NOW own the movie, the Muppets or the characters just Snowflake and Marigold. I hope the story is going well for you all~! So let's set sail and let the story begin! Enjoy~! P.S- I decided to name the next Chapter Sailing Away.)

P.P.S - Make sure you read the story parts first before playing the music in the up top. Trust it's worth it!! :D

7/12/2019 - Hey guys, I chose a song from another movie for Marigold and Snowflake which I found most wonderful to fit Marigold's arc. Called A Million Dreams, from the movie The Greatest Showman. Which I thought was wonderful and had a powerful meaning behind it. I also put an explanation before the song to the inspirational music number for The Greatest Showman. Plus This song DEFINITELY fits Disney in some way or manner.

Update - 7/21/2019 - This is a special shot-out to KitsuneEclipse! Thanx for the love and support of this story! It's people like U that make using Wattpad an amazing experience. And I hope I can make others like you, an experience in the fiction world a wondrous time! :D

Word Count - 6849

(Marigold's 2nd outfit along with hair style for the rest of the story. Her hairstyle adoption is the one with number 7#, although she does keep the boots from her previous outfit of Chapter 1. )


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