10. Confessing Monstrum

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Disappearing behind a scarlett red curtain, I took a seat onto the wooden stool that had occupied the old and dusty booth.


'Bless you, Father.' I answered out of habit. Fibbling with the teared edges of my Sunday dress that once got caught between the orphanage's gate, I pondered what people even said during things like these. Was it a custom to talk first? Did I have to tell him everything? I was quite sure I was going to end up in a somewhat less vibrant space after this anyway, so it shouldn't matter that there had been a lot of things gnawing at my gut as of late.

But it did. It bloody well mattered. Blast this!

'Do you seek forgiveness my child?' the man's voice responded garishly, blowing his nose audibly into a handkerchief seconds later.

'If that's what this is for, why not?'

The shadow behind the intricate detailed screen seemed to edge closer to the little wall that seperated us from looking at each other- apparently there was such a thing as 'godly' personal space. He let out a low and deep hum, looking down on me from behind the screen. '-How old are you exactly?'

I frowned. What did age have to do with this? 'I'm eleven years, 3 months and 28 days old Father.' I answered without even thinking about it. Frowning, I judged that might've seemed a little too willy-nilly for someone of my status and birth. 'Not that i'm counting.'

'I see. Is this your first confession child?' He questioned once again. So they did ask questions...

'One of many more to come.' I grumbled to myself. 'Christ. Sorry, I didn't mean that.' I fibbed. 'What I was trying to say is that I, well nevermind what I was trying to say. H- How are we supposed to do this?' I even began to stammer. Get your head in the game Patsy! 'Did that count for my judgement? Cause if so, I demand a do over.'

His throat made out a low grumble once again as he repositioned himself. 'You've come here to confess your sins?'

Hestiantly I nodded. Though, I quite soon figured out that the father wasn't able to see that so I audibly replied: 'Yes, I am.'

There was a minute of silence instructed into the conversation as I wondered what to say next. 'Ehm, Father? Is there a protocol going on in here... or should I just-'

The man sighed. Probably fatigued of me already he answered with a tired voice, 'Just start by saying, "Forgive me father for I have sinned" and then you will confess your sins, child.'

'Oh... yes that will work.' I mumbled to myself. Clearing my throat I prepared myself for receiving forgiveness from the Abbey of St. Mary's, Stratford Langthrone father himself; Father Flynn. 'Forgive me father, for I have sinned.'


'Now confess each and every serious sin that seperated you from christ.' Again, the man blew his nose so loud I could hear his nasal membranes move- which was partly the only bodypart I remembered during that one biology class from Mr Meisner.

Grimacing, I edged further away from the screen for fear of infection. You never knew what you might just get from old people. They all seemed to be wankers at some point... I didn't want to catch it as well!

'Confess.' He repeated.

'Wait... All of my sins?'

Knowing that my record didn't really spell 'well-bred' or 'obedient', I believed that if I told him all of my sins so far we'd be here forever. Though, whilst I had all the time, I didn't want to talk this man into an early grave. I would probably receive a golden ticket towards the maingates of hell.

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