Chapter 6

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No Ones PoV
"Boys will you please stop bickering at once we already are in trouble enough!!" Said Hermione warningly "Well he started it" Ron wailed just then Y/n opened the door and we all looked at her she gave us a glance back and said "what???" "Well what did The Professor say"Ron said "Ron how could you ask that it was a pri-" "It's nothing that has to concern you's something outside of school" Y/n said interrupting Hermione "nothing important that you's should be worrying about" Y/n added on at the end they gave Y/n a nod while Draco looked at Y/n with a blank face "Well if we have to do this stupid thing then let's do it" Y/n said once again.

Y/Ns PoV
I don't know why everybody was so interested about what the Professor told me it's none of their business at all. Flich took all five of us outside in the dead and cold of night for our punishment "A pity that they let the old punishments go Eh there was a time that detention you would find yourself hanging by your thumbs in the dungeon" he said with a wicked grin which gave me shivers as we where walking down the dark pathway "God I miss the screaming" he said once again which gave me even more shivers I scooted beside Harry to get as far away from him as possible.
"You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight he's got a little job to do" he said again as we walked towards Hagrid's house as Hagrid was getting out "inside the dark forest" 'omg' I thought as we walked toward the dark forest " a sorry lot this Hagrid" Hagrid just sniffed "aw for god man your not still on about that bloodily Dragon" "Norbert's gone Dumbledore sent him off to Romania to live in a colony" Hagrid said while putting wood in a barrel to make the fire light up more "well that's good isn't it he'll be with his own kind" Hermione said "yeah well what about if he don't like Romania" Hagrid ranted "what happens if the other dragons are mean to him he's only a baby after all" "Oh for gods sake pull yourself together man your going into the forest after all you got to have your wits about you yeah" "The forest I thought that was a joke" Draco said beside me looking at Flich like he was mental "we can't go in there" he added "students aren't allowed and there are-" a loud howl "werewolf's" "there are more than werewolf's in those trees my man you'd be sure of that" Draco turned and looked at me with an unsure look i just looked back with a straight face "nighty night" he said leaving us with Hagrid and the dead of night as well "Right let's go" Hagrid said walking away all five of us quickly followed.

Once we got deeper in the forest I kept moving closer to Harry who was on my left to my right was Draco who walked normally he tried not to looked scared as we all where but you could tell he was the most scared of all we came to a stop Hagrid bent down pit two fingers in this puddle drool thing "Uh Hagrid What is that" Harry asks "what we're here for see that" he held up the two fingers he stuck in the puddle thing "that's unicorn blood that is I found one dead a few weeks ago now this ones been hurt bad by something so it's our job to try and find the poor beast Ron,Hermione you'll come with me" "o-oookay" Ron stammered "Harry Y/n You'll go with Malfoy" Harry let out a slight groan under his breath and nodded I just nodded keeping my annoyed inside me "Okay then I get Fang" Draco said smiling "fine just so you know he's a bloodily cowered" Hagrid said Draco's smile disappeared Fang loud groan I was with him on this one.

"You wait until my father hears about this this is servants stuff" he said I rolled my eyes Harry looked over me and said "if I didn't know better Draco I would say you were scared" Harry pointed out and I'm sure he was correct "Scared Potter" he said holding the P again I just rolled my eyes then if you can imagine it a howl loudly appeared "did you hear that" he said looking at me I gave him a nod he just shook his head and kept walking "come on fang" I said patting his head Draco over took me and Harry and said "Scared" we came to a stop Fang started growling "what is it Fang" Harry asks we look ahead to see something something horrible something I can't describe someone drinking a unicorns blood right in front of us "ahhh" Harry said holding his scar I turn my head to him i grabbed him trying to make him look at me I heard a scream came beside me then before I know it Draco was dragging me away from Harry taking Fang with us as well I was trying to get his hand off my wrists but he had quite a hold on me I could only imagine what's happening to Harry right now "Y/n....Draco" said Ron excited to see me but not Draco especially that he was dragging me towards them "Where's Harry" Hermione ask's "Back there we saw something horrible" I said pointing they way we came from "Alright let's go" Hagrid said speed walking the way we came from we followed close behind him Draco still holding my wrists and I'm sure every step we took I swear his hand got tighter around my wrist once we got back to where we were we saw Harry talking to this Centaur "Harry" me and Hermione screamed Except from Ron Hagrid and Draco who just stood there with wide eyes "Hello there i see your met our young Mr Potter alright there Harry" Harry just nodded in response "Harry Potter this is where I leave you your safe now good luck" Said the Centaur while trotting away Hermione and Ron ran to Harry and hugged him I was about to do the same when I realised Draco was still holding my wrists "Em...Draco could you let go of my wrists now there starting to hurt" I said truthfully he turned to me and sternly said "Don't think this means I'm not still mad at you for what you did in our class" then he let's go of my hand I turn back to Ron Hermione and Harry who gave me an unsure look I just walked up to them and gave Harry an hug and said "I'm sorry I wouldn't ever leave you like that again."

Words 1,203

Sorry this is a short chapter the reason why they are getting shorter is because I'm nearly done year one already so I'm going to keep it medium length chapters but if you think I should write more just comment.


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