Chess game ♟
Y/Ns PoV
White made the first move "Ron you don't suppose this is going to be like real wizard of chess do you?" Hermione asked clearly scared 'Oh god please don't it be real wizard chess' You prayed "You there D5" Ron yelled pointing to a pond near the end of the row, Our pond moved only to when it stopped it got immediately mashed by the other sides pond I looked horrified and so did the rest of us 'Of course it's real wizards chess' I thought "Yes Hermione I think this is going to be exactly like real wizards chess" Ron said gulping Hermione and Harry just glared at us not in the angry way it was more like a terrifying way.As the game proceeded Ron made all the commands I did give him some pointers he did take them most of them where good but a couple of them got us smashed "You to E4" Me and Ron both shouted "Pond to C3" He and I kept shouting as the game progressed it ended up with just Ron and I and our king left to face the queen I could tell Ron was nervous I thought for a moment then I got it. I tapped him on the shoulder he turned to me and I whispered what to do in his ear he looked at me and nodded "Wait a minute" Harry says Ron turns to Harry and says "You understand right Harry once we make our move the Queen will take us" "Then your free to check the King" I finished Ron sentence, "Y/n Ron No NO" He shouted at his wide eyes "What is it" Hermione yells to Harry "They are going to sacrifice themselves" Hermione looks back at us and yells "No you can't her must be another way" "Do you want to stop Snape from getting that stone or what" Ron says to Hermione "Harry it's you that needs to go on not Myself not Ron or Hermione it has to be you I know it" I say to Harry he just looks at me with mixed emotions in his eyes he nods to both of us Ron turned to face me and whispered "You ready" I whispered back "Always" he smiled and turned back around proudly and said "Knight to H3" our Knight moved slowly towards it I thought 'this is it no backing out' I stared at the Queen not wanting to take my eyes off of her "check" Ron said the queen moved towards us it stopped for a split second and then that was it.
The queen smashed right into our knight making me and Ron go flying off of it and I remember hitting The ground with a large thump and darkness surrounded me I could only really hear faint voices saying my name.
Harry's PoV
"Knight to H3" Ron said the horse moved slowly up to the square all I could think about is if Y/n and Ron will be ok what happens if their not fine the sound of smashing made me snap out of my thoughts I look to see the horse gone and Ron and Y/n lying limp on the forums both of them eyes shut "Y/N RON!!!!!"
I shout Hermione Tried moving but I stopped her by shouting "No don't move don't forget we're still playing" Hermione moved back a step and nodded. I walked forward until I got to the Queen and said "Check mate" the sword came down crashing onto the ground.I ran Over to Y/n and Ron I went to Y/n first and brushed her hair out of her face and then I went over to l check Ron while Hermione at the time who was checking Y/n I told her "Take care of Ron and Y/n then go to the Owlray (I don't care if I didn't spell that correctly sorry 😂) and send a message to Dumbledore Ron's right I have to do this alone" "You'll be ok Harry you are a great wizard you really are" "Not as good as you" I said back to her she smiled and googled a little then said "Me books and cleverness theres more important things friendship and bravery and Harry just be careful" I nodded to Hermione and got up and started walking away.
Y/Ns PoV
"What happens if he doesn't wake up" Ron said nervously "Ron I assure you he will your just being paranoid for no reason" "Yeah chill out mate" I said to him patting his shoulder that's when I heard footsteps I turn and look down to see Harry standing there smiling at us I smiled warmly back at him "Told you he'd wake up" I said to Ron who just gave me a smug look I playfully rolled my eyes and focused back on Harry "Alright there Y/n Ron" I giggled and nodded while Ron said "We're Alright You" Harry shrugged his shoulders a bit and said "Alright, Hermione"
"Never better" she said with a grin.We where seated in the Great Hall which was filled with Slytherin posters I sat beside Luna and Cho, Two of my best friends in the RavenCalw house the room was filled with people laughing and talking some even where shouting but everyone stopped when heard the sound of a metal banging against glass. Everyone turns to see Professor Dumbledore standing saying "Another year gone and now as I understand it the house cup needs awarding and the points stand us, In fourth place Gryffindor with 312 points" Most people started clapping I felt kinda bad for them because I know they didn't deserve fourth place, I look over to the Gryffindor table to see upset looks on their faces. "Hufflepuff with 352 points" Once again people clapped and the house looked upset 'Wait a minute I could win I could get first but I wouldn't really care anyways' I saw out of the corner of my eye Harry looking at me like he wanted my house to win "In second place RavenCalw 426 points" People cheered because we got Second I smiled a little bit I knew who come first and want really too happy about it "And In first place with 472 points Slytherin house" The Slytherins cheered very loudly that they won first place some even standing up 'This has got to be a joke' I thought glancing at Draco who was Smiling that the Cheshire Cat, He turned and looked at me with a smug grin on his face I just rolled my eyes then saw that he gave Ron the same glare as he did to me "Yes Yes well done Slytherins well done but however, resent events must be taken into account and I have a few last minute points to award" Everyone looked shocked and mostly confused at Professor Dumbledore actions "To Hermione Granger to the cool use of interlaced of others in great peril 50 points" The Gryffindors cheered "Second and Third to Mr Ronald Weasley and Y/n Y/l/n for the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years 50 points" My and Gryffindors whole table people where patting me on the back smiling saying well done I look over to Ron who was smiling larger than I was at the news.
He glanced over at me and mouthed "THATS ME AND YOU" and I mouthed back "I KNOW" Hermione and Harry looked back at me smiling I smiled back at them warmly "and fourth to me Harry Potter to pure nerve and outstanding courage I award Gryffindor house 60 points" I clapped my hands towards them they did the same back to me then I realised that they where tied with Slytherin "and finally it takes a great deal to stand up for your enemies but a great deal more to stand up for your friends I award 10 points to Neville LongBottom" 'Oh Merlins Bread they did it Gryffindors beat the Slytherins' I thought I was really happy for the Gryffindors they where all cheering at Neville smiling at him "assuming my calculations are correct I believe that a change of decoration is in order" Professor Dumbledore boomed our he clapped his hands once and all the Slytherin posters changed to Gryffindor ones "Gryffindor wins the house cup" All the Gryffindors where standing up cheering and chanting because they won the house cup.
Then we all flung our hats in the air and everyone was now screaming I got a bunch of pats in the back, hand shakes and even some hugs I eventually got to the Gryffindors table after I hugged Luna and Cho and hugged Hermione, Harry and Ron and said Congrats to them all and I also met another one of Ron's bro there's his name was Percy he sounded poshest in a way and looked more professional but still a Weasley.
"Come on now hurry up you'll be late" Hagrid yelled at the students swatting his hands side to side indicating for them to get on the train "The train is leaven" he also added "Come on hurry up" he also said. Myself, Harry, Ron and Hermione waves to Hagrid as we where getting in the train I was behind Ron when I heard behind me "Come on Harry" Hermione said "I'll be one moment" he says to her, Hermione comes back in the train and I ask "Wheres Harry" "He said he'll be a momentum think he's speaking to Hagrid" I nod to her we all look out of the train door to see Harry talking to Hagrid "I wonder what thee talking about" Ron said "Yeah I wonder" I replied back, Harry can running back to us with a smile on his face "Strange going home" Hermione says to Harry
"I'm not not really" Harry answers back looking back at Hagrid with a smile I turn to Hagrid who simply waves at us not saying a worn we all go into the train the day taking us away.Word count 1,836
Ta da end of first year already! I do hope you have enjoyed your first year at Hogwarts and I didn't write it too badly 😐 Just to be clear I am doing the movies and not relay the books I do not own any Harry Potter books, I only own the movies I am sorry if you thought it was the book and not the movie story. Anyways if you have any suggestions leave it in the comments also sorry for bad grammar any spelling mistakes or things that don't make sense I try my best to write these and I know sometimes (mostly all the time) I make these mistakes but I do you hope you enjoyed your first year at Hogwarts and are excited for next year I know I am~ 😂😂Luv Pup~~

Boys Boys and more Boys Harry Potter various x reader *Discontinued*
FanfictionBoys, Boys and more boys (Harry Potter fanfic) going to Hogwarts is going to be a journey full of adventure mysteries and maybe even romance ? *read description below NOW* Your name - Y/n Last name - Y/L/N Favourite colour - F/c Favourite animal...