Chapter 8

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At Night ✨

Y/Ns PoV
When everybody in my dorm was getting ready for bed I was laying down on my bed with my PJs on thinking about how I was going to get there, what happens if I get caught and if I did get caught, would I be expelled I really didn't want to take that chance but I already told them I would. I was too busy thinking about all of this that I didn't notice Luna Tapping my shoulder trying to get my attention until Cho came towards me and shouted "Y/N!!!" Which made me snap back into reality "eh..what" "Luna was asking if you where alright and so was I". Cho said while sitting down on the other side of me "yeah I'm fine just in deep thought no worries" I said trying to stay calm and they bought it "yeah we could see that already" Cho said getting up and walking over to her bed "ok if you say so" Luna said in a dreamy voice as usual "Hay guys mind if I read a bit before going to sleep" I asked them "sure" they both said turning off there lights "thanks" I whispered quietly.

Time skip an hour later✨

Once the girls have both fell into a deep sleep I quickly and quietly tiptoed to the door opening it silently and I started  walking slowly down the stairs so I didn't bother anyone once I got to my common room I peeked my head round the door checking if anyone was there but there was nothing only the statue and books and other furniture items as well as a deadly silence so I quickly and quietly walked to the common door and opened it gently only to get pushed into the tower wall and flung over the cloak by the others "hay y/n" Harry whispered tinting pink "hey" I whispered back once I shut my common room door we all slowly walked down the tower stairs Ron nearly fell down them which caused me to giggle a little "it's not funny I could have died" Ron sneered quietly "Ron's right he could have died" Hermione quietly lectured me "trust me you should have seen his face it was priceless" Harry giggled at my statement "and trust me I've been up and down these stairs loads you won't fall and if you did someone's always there to catch you"  I said quietly as we continued through the halls. "Ow you've stood on my foot" Hermione blamed Ron straight away "Sorry" he mumbled I just rolled my eyes at both of them and continued on once we got to the door Hermione used one of the spells to open it and when we got inside all I could hear was music the sound of a soft harp being played as Fluffy slept snoring a lot we all flung off the cloak and looked around "wait a minute he's snoring" Harry's says "Snape's already been here he's put a spell on the harp" "I love the tune of it though I can't blame it on falling asleep it's a beautiful instrument the harp don't you think" I ask them Hermione was the first to say it is the boys just looked at me so I took it as a no I frowned and them and turned my attention back to the three headed dog which was apparently called Fluffy "Ugh it's got horrible breathe" Ron said quite loudly " we have to move it's paw" Harry told us "WHAT" Ron basically shouted " come on" Harry told us again we all obeyed what he said. We all got down to the paw "Ok Now Push" Harry said while all of us where trying to move the paw out of the way. Once we moved the paw we hurried to open the hatchet up we all bent down peering over to see if we could spot something but nothing "ok I'll go first don't follow until I give you a sign" Harry ordered us but some how I felt it was directly at me he was ordering it too "If something bad happens then get yourself a out" After he said that he paused for a second then said "doesn't it seem a bit quite to you?" "The harp it's stopped playing" Me and Hermione said together "Ew Yuck" Ron sneered we look at him to see slobber down his shoulder and that only means one thing Fluffy was awake we all look up to see a towering Fluffy above us "JUMP!!" Yelled Harry as he jumped in we all followed one by one jumping in falling into the unknown.

I fell into this plant??? I was so confused I look around to see everyone "wow lucky this plant thing was here really" Ron said "Woh" Harry yelled the plants started moving closer to us I I got my hands rapped behind my back and more on my neck and legs all of us where struggling to get out of it but it seemed impossible then I realised it was Devils Snare I look at Hermione she looks at me and we both knew what we where both about to say so we said it at the same time "Devils Snare" "Boys stop moving its Devils Snare you have to relax it will only kill you faster" Hermione said trying to relax "it'll kill us faster yeah now I can relax" Ron said still struggling trying to get free "just relax" I whispered to myself I ended up sliding down and out of the plants "Y/N!!!" Harry and Ron screamed "I'm fine just Relax" I Yelled back up then I saw Hermione comic down and also a loud yell from the boys I went over to Hermione to help her up once I did she shouted up "Just relax" "Guys where are you" "Do what we say trust us" I shouted up to them soon after I saw Harry slide down I went over and helped him up which he took gladly "are you alright" I ask "yeah yeah I'm fine" he responds I look back up to only hear Ron shouting for help "He's not relaxing is he" Hermione huffed Harry shook his head "apparently not" "We've got to do something" Retorted Hermione "WHAT" Harry yelled flapping his arms in the air "I remember reading something in Herbology ummmm"
She said hurrying "Yeah I remember something in Herbology about it......Oh Wait isn't it not Devils Snare Devils Snare It's deadly fun but with salt in the sun" "Yes your right Y/n Devils Snare hates sunlight" Hermione said taking out her wand "Lumos Solem" she said her wand began beaming with light the Devils Snare plant started untangling Ron which made him fall onto the ground in front of us we all bent over him "Ron are you ok" Harry's ask's helping him up Ron made a whistling sound and said "lucky we didn't panic" Harry gave him a stern look then said in a stern voice that "we're lucky that Y/n and Hermione pain attention in Herbology " "What is that," Hermione said it was some sound of flapping noise "I don't know, it sounds like wings" Harry says.

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