Chapter 36

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The Next Day (You are still upset with Ron)

Y/Ns PoV
"Bloody Ronald Weasley, Always a prick to Hermione" I mumbled walking outside with my notebook and pencil to continue drawing to help myself calm down.

Once you walked through the bridge, You noticed Draco and his gang of mates where hunched behind a rock with pairs of binoculars looking down at Buckbeak chained to the ground.

They where all sniggering Draco saying shit like

"I'm going to get the head of that thing and put it in the Gryffindors common room."

You just sneered and continued walked to your left too the spot where you where drawing and met that odd black scruffy dog which you where starting to inspect is Sirius Black after how the Gryffindors common room painting had a MASSIVE CLAW SCRATH ON IN!

You sighed and sat down on the grass and started drawing a Whomping Willow.

Everything was peaceful and quiet until you noticed a pair of yellowish reddish eyes coming from a whole at the bottom of the Whomping Willow.

You gulped dropping your notebook and pencil

Slightly scared you said "Whatever you are... Come out here this instant!"   

You where surprised that the creature obaide what you had said it came out and you soon realised that it was the black shaggy dog you let into the castle.

You also quickly realised that you where definitely sure that the dog was Sirius Black after everything that happened so you decided you take your wand out and stand.

"I know your really not just some dog, Your an Animagus and your also Sirius Black here too kill Harry Potter and if that's so I'll fight by his side you'll never get anywhere near him as long as I stand beside him and others!"

The dog slowly started to walk forward changing itself as it did so and when it had turned human your eyes widened the person you saw standing before you was none other than

Sirius Black.

You stood there a bit frozen but you quickly shook it off

"Now Black" You say bluntly

"Tell me why I shouldn't just kill you here right now."

He chuckled slightly and said "You know Y/n, Your much like your mother. You know that?"

You slowly put down your wand asking "How do you know my name and my mother Black?"

"I went too Hogwarts with your mother you are just like her putting yourself in front of your friends keeping them safe."

"I'm still unsure about trusting you Black even if you know my mother. You betrayed Harry's parents and helped the Dark Lord himself."

Black quickly shook his head saying "I never betrayed my closet friend James, He was like a brother too me."

You raised your eyebrow and nodded for him too continue

"Please Y/n let me explain I'm not a bad person I never killed anyone or betrayed Harry parents."

You sighed and thought for a moment before saying "My brain and gut are saying not too trust you but my heart saying I should so..."

"You have a couple of minutes too explain everything."

He smiled and nodded

He led you behind the tree so no one would see you both and explained everything (Btw I'm a very lazy author so I'm not going to type it all but you'll here all of it when Harry and Sirius meet he also told you about Lupin being a Werewolf :3)

"So what do you want me too do?" I ask

"Go get Remus and tell him that I sent you he needs too be here when Harry gets here."

You nodded giving him a warm smiling which he did return

You ran up the pathway too see Hermione, Ron and Harry watching Draco running up the pathway with his mates holding his nose which looked too be bleeding.

"That felt good" She said

"Not good, Brilliant!" Ron said smiling

Luckily for yourself they went down the pathway too see Hagrid.

Time skip (You are now BANGING on Professor Lupin a classroom)


You banged your fists on Professor Lupins classroom hoping he was inside.

The door then suddenly opened too reveal Professor Lupin holding the Marauders Map

"Miss L/n shouldn't you be outside in this nice weather or with your friends it is a Saturday after all."

"I know Professor but I need too have a talk with you in private it's really important." I say quickly

"Only if it's really important L/n" He says moving out the way letting you into the classroom.

You nodded, You followed him into his classroom then up too his office where he gave you a tea/coffee (I prefer coffees but either is fine)

"Now Miss L/n what is this important talk you need with myself."

"I know about Sirius Black being an Animagus and I also know about Peter Pettigrew and how he berated the Potters not Black also I know you are a Werewolf Sirius told me he also told me too come get you cause he will be getting Harry today and confront him." You said taking a massive breath of air at the end

Professor Lupin looked astonished and surprised

"How long have you known about Sirius Black Y/n" You where a bit surprised he used your name but you went with it.

"Since I let him into the castle while he was a dog"

Professor Lupin looked a bit wide eyed and said "What Was You!?!?!"

You looked a bit sheepishly and said "Yeah.....I honestly didn't mean too but I love animals."

Professor Lupin Just sighed and smiled saying "You know your a lot like your mother Y/n."

You giggled a bit and said "So I've been told."

"I'm guessing Sirius said the same thing then hmm"

You nodded

Professor Lupin then stood up and went too the door with the Marauders Map still in his hands.

"Hey Professor why do you have the Marauders Map I thought Harry had it ?" You asked confused

"Ahhh, Yes well Snape and I caught him with it out at night he said he claimed too see Peter Pettigrew so I kept a hold of it too find him and now I know where he is."

Sirius never told you where Peter was he just talked about him

"So where is he?" You ask

"He's not what you expect let's say he's not in human form."

"You mean he's an animal" you say

Professor Lupin nodded as you both continued out the classroom and into the empty hallways.

"So then what animal his he?" You ask again but this time more quietly so no one would hear you.

"Peter Pettigrew has a toe missing so do you know any animal with a toe missing."

You thought for a moment as you walked out of the school it was only until you made it too the Whomping Willow you realised.

"Ron's Rat has a toe missing!"

Word count 1,175

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