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So I guess this is it.
7 months, and it hurts.
Out of nowhere, I start to get angry when you were talking to me, but I thought I was just angry from what I was reading. I feel nothing when you say "I love you". I don't know why it happened but it did. Out of nowhere, and it's not fair for you to be hurt. This week has been a mess, and all I have is tomorrow. I might just do that thing. You know where I ignore you. Each time you asked if me if I would love you forever, it hurt. Yesterday was probably the last day, that we can sleep on the phone. It's even in my YouTube history. "Losing interest in my ldr boyfriend." I don't know why, and I didn't want to, but it just suddenly happened. I don't know how! And it hurts so much. I'm too afraid to talk to you and I am always doing what others say. "Running away from my problems." Because guess what I don't know how to handle them and maybe I do ruin everything I touch. Maybe I shouldn't even be in a relationship with anyone. Maybe I'm just not meant to be with someone. Maybe I'm just meant to be alone. Grow old alone, and die alone. I'm to scared to talk to anyone about it because I feel like my feelings aren't don't mean shit. In that common breakup phrase "It's not you, it's me" maybe that is true. Because there's nothing wrong with you, you are an amazing and kind, caring. Human fucking being who deserve so much more! You never did anything wrong. It was always my fault. It hurts so much. So I'm sorry.

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